
League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat
Joined on Thu Jul 7 2016
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catfish has played in 35 leagues:

ozfortress Sixes Winter '24 (S40) LAN Downunder 2024: Qualifiers ozfortress Sixes Autumn '24 (S39) ozfortress Sixes Spring '23 (S38) ozfortress Sixes Season 37 ozfortress Sixes Season 36 ozfortress Highlander Season 2 ozfortress Sixes Season 35 ozfortress Highlander Season 1 LAN Downunder 2022 ozfortress Sixes Season 34 ozfortress Highlander Revival - Season 1 (APRIL FOOLS - kinda) ozfortress Sixes Season 33 ozfortress Sixes Season 32 ozfortress Winter League 2021 ozfortress Sixes Season 31 ozfortress Sixes Season 30 ozfortress Summer Cup 2021 ozfortress Sixes Season 29 OZFORTRESS ISOLATION DEVASTATION 2020 ozfortress Sixes Season 28 ozfortress Sixes Season 27 ozfortress State v State 2020 ozfortress Sixes Season 26 ozfortress Sixes Season 25 ozfortress Sixes Season 24 ozfortress Sixes Season 23 ozfortress Sixes Season 22 ozfortress Sixes Season 21 ozfortress Sixes Season 20 ozfortress Sixes Season 19 ozfortress Ultiduo 11
  • Joined bepis in Ultiduo 11 on Thu Apr 20 21:33:29 2017
ozfortress Sixes Season 18 ozfortress Sixes Season 17 ozfortress Sixes Season 16
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Thread: Sixes Autumn '24 (S39): Award Nominations
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Team Name: Salt Free Gaming.
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Main
Best Combo Scout: xander
Best Flank Scout: snazzy
Best Pocket Soldier: Zildjian
Best Roaming Soldier: Brady
Best Medic: catfish
Best Demoman: skaz
Best Utility: snazzy
Most Improved Player: xander

Thread: Sixes Spring '23 (S38): Award Nominations
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Team Name: Salt Free Gaming.
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Intermediate
Best Combo Scout: xander
Best Flank Scout: skaz
Best Pocket Soldier: Zildjian
Best Roaming Soldier: wiggin
Best Medic: snazzy
Best Demoman: catfish
Best Utility: skaz
Most Improved Player: Zildjian

Thread: Sixes Season 37: Award Nominations
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Team Name: Salt Free Gaming.
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Intermediate
Best Combo Scout: Zildjian
Best Flank Scout: xander
Best Pocket Soldier: skaz
Best Roaming Soldier: wiggin
Best Medic: snazzy
Best Demoman: catfish
Best Utility: skaz
Most Improved Player: Zildjian

Thread: Sixes S36 - Award Nominations
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Team Name: Salt Free Gaming.
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Main
Best Combo Scout: wiggin
Best Flank Scout: xander
Best Pocket Soldier: Zildjian
Best Roaming Soldier: skaz
Best Medic: snazzy
Best Demoman: catfish
Best Utility: xander
Most Improved Player: snazzy

Thread: Sixes S35 - Voting Nominations
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Team Name: Salt Free Gaming
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Main
Best Combo Scout: wiggin
Best Flank Scout: xander
Best Pocket Soldier: skaz
Best Roaming Soldier: Zildjian
Best Medic: snazzy
Best Demoman: catfish
Best Utility: xander
Most Improved Player: Zildjian

Thread: Staff Team Changes; Departures, New Pickups & Help Needed!
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat


Thread: OZF 34 - Voting Nominations
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Team Name: Salt Free Gaming.
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Main
Best Combo Scout: The Wiggin
Best Flank Scout: xander
Best Pocket Soldier: skaz
Best Roaming Soldier: Zildjian
Best Medic: snazzy
Best Demoman: catfish
Best Utility: xander
Most Improved Player: snazzy

Thread: OZF 33 - Playoffs and Nominations
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

The final round of the regular season has finished for ozfortress season 33! Congratulations to the teams who have made playoffs! Your top four teams from each division are:


the doom dimension


Flying Spies BLACK
my new team fortress two team
Fred Flinstone Loves Pingas


Salt Free Gaming.
Forklift Certified


Posse Pounders
Avo's Cados
The Low Open Theory
cheap vs expensive

Please see the nominations thread for OZF 33, to be completed by Sunday the 27th of March 2022!

Failure to submit nominations will result in you and your team being unable to receive any awards or be eligible for in-game medals.

Thread: OZF 33 - Voting Nominations
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Team Name: Salt Free Gaming
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Main
Best Combo Scout: The Wiggin
Best Flank Scout: xander
Best Pocket Soldier: catfish
Best Roaming Soldier: Zildjian
Best Medic: snazzy
Best Demoman: skaz
Best Utility: xander
Most Improved Player: snazzy

Thread: OZF 33 - Voting Nominations
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

This thread is for nominating your players for the best-in-class awards for ozfortress season 33. This thread will be used by admins to collects the rosters of each team for voting, which will happen at a later date.

Captains are asked to please respond to this thread with the completed template below by the Sunday the 27th of March! Please save replies for nominations only and not discussion. Only one reply per team.

Failure to submit nominations will result in you and your team being unable to receive any awards or be eligible for in-game medals.

Strictly follow the format below, as I will be using an automated script to process this data.

Team Name:
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open):
Best Combo Scout:
Best Flank Scout:
Best Pocket Soldier:
Best Roaming Soldier:
Best Medic:
Best Demoman:
Best Utility:
Most Improved Player: