core League Director

This thread is for nominating your players for the best-in-class awards for ozfortress season 34. This thread will be used by admins to collect the rosters of each team for voting, which will happen at a later date.

Captains are asked to respond to this thread with the completed template below by the Tuesday the 19th of July! Please save replies for nominations only and not discussion. Only one reply per team.

Failure to submit nominations will result in you and your team being unable to receive any awards or be eligible for in-game medals.

Strictly follow the format below, as I will be using an automated script to process this data.

Team Name:
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open):
Best Combo Scout:
Best Flank Scout:
Best Pocket Soldier:
Best Roaming Soldier:
Best Medic:
Best Demoman:
Best Utility:
Most Improved Player:

Raina Retired League Admin

Team Name: Ascension
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Premier
Best Combo Scout: smazza
Best Flank Scout: aino
Best Pocket Soldier: fez
Best Roaming Soldier: gus
Best Medic: raina
Best Demoman: cobra
Best Utility: aino
Most Improved Player: gus

multi Sixes Head Admin

Team Name: muscle mercs
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Main
Best Combo Scout: klebs
Best Flank Scout: brownie
Best Pocket Soldier: Hazel
Best Roaming Soldier: Conner
Best Medic: maid
Best Demoman: multi
Best Utility: brownie
Most Improved Player: Conner

catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Team Name: Salt Free Gaming.
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Main
Best Combo Scout: The Wiggin
Best Flank Scout: xander
Best Pocket Soldier: skaz
Best Roaming Soldier: Zildjian
Best Medic: snazzy
Best Demoman: catfish
Best Utility: xander
Most Improved Player: snazzy


Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): main
Best Combo Scout: farn
Best Flank Scout: remorse
Best Pocket Soldier: shneersh
Best Roaming Soldier: jv
Best Medic: mal
Best Demoman: Duckypus
Best Utility: farn
Most Improved Player: shneersh


Team Name: blu team
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Open
Best Combo Scout: gaw$
Best Flank Scout: Blakeyboy
Best Pocket Soldier: Sun
Best Roaming Soldier: Less
Best Medic: Rahmed
Best Demoman: KRB
Best Utility: Blakeyboy
Most Improved Player: Rahmed

shy Retired League Admin

Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Intermediate
Best Combo Scout: Platinum
Best Flank Scout: monti
Best Pocket Soldier: Rei
Best Roaming Soldier: Face.
Best Medic: Sephyr
Best Demoman: chimes
Best Utility: Platinum
Most Improved Player: Pipelin12

Team Name: First Class
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Intermediate
Best Combo Scout: john
Best Flank Scout: doc
Best Pocket Soldier: RRLUCKY
Best Roaming Soldier: sao
Best Medic: Brady
Best Demoman: reign
Best Utility: doc
Most Improved Player: reign