
aka Akim
Joined on Mon May 18 2020

get a grip

Upcoming Matches

akim has played in 24 leagues:

ozfortress Highlander Winter '24 (S7) ozfortress Highlander Autumn '24 (S6) ozfortress Sixes Spring '23 (S38)
  • Joined Spare No Opps in Intermediate on Sun Nov 26 13:30:13 2023
ozfortress Sixes Season 37
  • Joined guckOW in Intermediate on Thu Jul 13 19:39:44 2023
ozfortress Sixes Season 36 ozfortress Highlander Season 3 ozfortress: A Midsummer Night's Sixes Cup 2023 ozfortress Highlander Season 2 ozfortress Sixes Season 35
  • Joined RTBA in Main on Sun Oct 2 17:16:31 2022
ozfortress Experimental Cup 1
  • Left RTBA in Open on Fri Sep 16 17:11:20 2022
  • Joined RTBA in Open on Sun Sep 11 20:07:56 2022
ozfortress Highlander Season 1
  • Joined muscle mercs in Intermediate on Sun Jun 5 10:44:12 2022
ozfortress Sixes Season 34 ozfortress Ultiduo 16 CappingTV Summer Brawl 2022
  • Joined DN LORDS in Intermediate on Mon Jan 10 21:23:13 2022
ozfortress Sixes Season 33 ozfortress Sixes Season 32 ozfortress Winter League 2021
  • Joined z5 in Division 4 on Wed Aug 11 17:27:17 2021
ozfortress Sixes Season 31
  • Joined Avo's Cados in Open on Sat Jun 19 20:21:26 2021
ozfortress Ultiduo 15
  • Joined xo in Ultiduo 15 on Sun Apr 25 16:25:40 2021
ozfortress Autumn Cup 2021
  • Joined DiU in Open on Fri Apr 23 21:04:41 2021
ozfortress Sixes Season 30
  • Joined Meat Your Match in Open on Fri Feb 26 20:19:49 2021
  • Left xo in Open on Fri Feb 26 20:19:49 2021
  • Joined xo in Open on Mon Jan 25 15:17:44 2021
ozfortress Summer Cup 2021 ozfortress Sixes Season 29 ozfortress Sixes Season 28
Recent Forum Posts
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Thread: ozfortress Ban: clynic / zore

3myboy ong

Thread: Infractions system changes & January 2024 Banwave

ozfortress is losing a valuable member of the community if they go through with this decision …,,,

Thread: ozfortress bans: October 2023

spookc 5 year ban NEW RECORD!

Thread: ozfortress Ban Appeals

enter image description here

Thread: ozfortress bans: airflameon & x32

they cant keep getting away with this

Thread: ozfortress ban: shuujokyo

dam my alt got banned guys : (((((((

Thread: ozfortress banwave: August 2022

If ozfortress goes through will this decision they will lose one of their most valuable players…

Thread: ozfortress bans: bible & lightning

ratio lil bro

Thread: August Infraction Update

see u guys in a year

Thread: ozfortress ban: magnett

ozfortress will be losing one of its most valuable members if it goes ahead with this decision…