Infraction Threshold reached
This player has accrued a total of 120 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from ozfortress.com, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for a period of 3 years, after which time they will be on a 12-month probation, where reoffending will double the infraction points gained from each Tier. If they are found ban evading during their competition bans, their ban duration will be extended.
Infraction Threshold reached
This player has accrued a total of 150 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from ozfortress.com, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for a period of 3 years, after which time they will be on a 12-month probation, where reoffending will double the infraction points gained from each Tier. If they are found ban evading during their competition bans, their ban duration will be extended.
Should ANY clans in ANY ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, the team will be permanently removed from our competitions and all members involved will face severe penalties.
300 cs per minute n
:( not my angel lightning :(
ratio lil bro
ozf racists braver than the marines
RIP smokeyzeus