core League Director

Infraction Threshold reached

The following bans are all issued due to these players reaching the Infraction Threshold for a ban.

Newly issued bans

Haste STEAM_0:0:106444707

This player has accrued a total of 60 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for a period of 1 year, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.

zerk STEAM_0:1:535822032

This player has accrued a total of 60 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for a period of 1 year, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.

nam STEAM_0:0:155336891

This player has accrued a total of 60 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for a period of 1 year, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.

sessal STEAM_0:1:43123779

This player has accrued a total of 60 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for a period of 1 year, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.

Fat heavy STEAM_0:1:122595968

This player has accrued a total of 30 ozfortress infraction points whilst serving out their ban probation. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for a period of 1 year, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty, which has applied in this case. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.

kcaj STEAM_0:0:177620065

This player has accrued a total of 30 ozfortress infraction points whilst serving out their ban probation. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for a period of 1 year, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty, which has applied in this case. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.

Ban extensions

nexus/nxs STEAM_0:0:48363852

This player has accrued an extra 30 ozfortress infraction points whilst serving their ban. As such, the player has had their ban extended by a period of 1 year, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.

HERTZ STEAM_0:0:78281536

This player has accrued an extra 30 ozfortress infraction points whilst serving their ban. As such, the player has had their ban extended by a period of 1 year, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.

vivi STEAM_0:1:76681608

This player has accrued an extra 30 ozfortress infraction points whilst serving their ban. As such, the player has had their ban extended by a period of 1 year, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.
The above ban extension has been reversed.

spookC STEAM_0:0:77230562

This player has accrued an extra 150 ozfortress infraction points whilst serving their ban. As such, the player has had their ban extended by a period of 5 years, after which they will be serving a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. If they are found ban evading during their ban, their ban duration will be extended.

Should any teams or groups within any ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, the team will be permanently removed from our competitions and all members involved will face severe penalties.

spookc 5 year ban NEW RECORD!

spookc pub podcast goes hard

3SALAD on those lockup gains

Shigbeard Development Team Lead

the days change but the names stay the same...

Im worried what the implications of this 5 year Ban could mean. The longer they fall the larger that they will rise.

Xstroyer next pls

HUNGRY.4.EGGS Sixes League Admin

They are trying to weaken the power of the bob the digger dynasty.