
Joined on Tue Jul 12 2016
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Zildjian has played in 40 leagues:

ozfortress Sixes Winter '24 (S40) LAN Downunder 2024: Qualifiers ozfortress Sixes Autumn '24 (S39) ozfortress Sixes Spring '23 (S38) ozfortress Sixes Season 37 ozfortress Sixes Season 36 ozfortress Highlander Season 2 ozfortress Sixes Season 35 ozfortress Highlander Season 1 LAN Downunder 2022 ozfortress Sixes Season 34 ozfortress Highlander Revival - Season 1 (APRIL FOOLS - kinda) ozfortress Sixes Season 33 ozfortress Sixes Season 32 ozfortress Winter League 2021 ozfortress Sixes Season 31 ozfortress Ultiduo 15
  • Joined Dog The Boys in Ultiduo 15 on Wed Apr 28 23:53:44 2021
ozfortress Sixes Season 30 ozfortress Sixes Season 29 OZFORTRESS ISOLATION DEVASTATION 2020 ozfortress Sixes Season 28 ozfortress Ultiduo 14
  • Joined Dog The Boys in Ultiduo 14 on Sat Apr 25 22:20:55 2020
ozfortress Sixes Season 27 ozfortress: A Midsummer Night's Cup 2020
  • Joined Shifu in Open on Fri Jan 10 22:00:24 2020
ozfortress Sixes Season 26 ozfortress Sixes Season 25 ozfortress Sixes Season 24 ozfortress: A Midsummer Night's Cup 2019 #2 ozfortress Sixes Season 23 ozfortress Sixes Season 22 ozfortress Sixes Season 21 ozfortress: A Midsummer Night's Cup 2 2018 ozfortress: A Midsummer Night's Cup 1 2018 ozfortress Sixes Season 20
  • Joined Questionable in Intermediate on Tue Aug 22 23:15:30 2017
ozfortress Sixes Season 19
  • Joined Dog The Boys in Premier on Thu May 18 18:35:58 2017
ozfortress Ultiduo 11
  • Joined Dog The Boys in Ultiduo 11 on Fri Apr 21 20:22:38 2017
ozfortress Sixes Season 18
  • Joined Dog The Boys in Intermediate on Wed Feb 1 00:35:58 2017
ozfortress: A Midsummer Night's Cup 1 2017
  • Joined Dog The Boys in Intermediate on Sat Dec 3 19:26:23 2016
ozfortress Sixes Season 17
  • Joined Vote Goat in Intermediate on Fri Sep 23 10:48:10 2016
ozfortress Sixes Season 16
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Thread: ozfortress Head Administrator Changes

nice! now all we're waiting on is for you to leave salt free!

Thread: Announcing ozfortress season 31!

NO MANNBASE???????????

Thread: OZF 28 - Frag Highlight Submissions

Player Alias: Zildjian
Teams: Salt Free Gaming vs Frydog and the Council of Medics
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: 5
Tick: 16500
What to look for: Airshot on Soldier
Demos: STV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g2n1fxwm4xuoxzr/747457a505616ee6fcda67f117903f98_match-20200624-1137-koth_product_rcx.dem?dl=0
POV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fe6cggoibm3rvku/20200624_2033_koth_product_rcx_red_blu.dem?dl=0

Thread: ozfortress ban: Auz

👑Long 👑 Live 👑 The 👑 K1NG👑

Thread: OZF 28 - Frag Highlight Submissions

Player Alias: Zildjian
Teams: Salt Free Gaming vs B O T T O M T E X T
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: 4
Tick: 34500
What to look for: Airshot on Demo
Demos: STV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/48dlnjhikw9r87i/match-20200616-0750-cp_gullywash_final1.dem?dl=0
POV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3eqg43zbvmyrbbv/20200616_2008_cp_gullywash_final1_red_blu.dem?dl=0

Thread: Introducing Warzone: The ozfortress client

https://streamable.com/gbku1 guys check this fat dub

Thread: ozfortress ban: lightning

BigFellaGoose wrote:

hey cunttttt

what is it?

can i scrim ur team


Thread: ad hominem attack win OZF 24 Intermediate!

go bitvolt!!

Thread: [OZF 20] Playoffs