It is with some sadness that I am stepping down as the Head Administrator of ozfortress. After over three years in the role, I no longer have the time to commit to running the league that I used to, and as a result of this I believe that ozfortress would be better off with someone new at the helm. During my time as head admin I believe the league has become a bit more experimental and I hope that the changes that have remained, such as the introduction of the Main division and the nine-map pool, have improved the league for everyone.
Taking over from me is League Administrator core. core has the experience and understanding to excel in the role and there is no safer pair of hands for ozfortress. I would like to thank all league admins for assisting with the day to day running of the league, it would not be possible without you all. I would also like to thank obla and /dev/zero for their continued assistance and dedication over the years. Thank you to all Patrons, past and present, for helping maintain ozfortress infrastructure and ensuring the league can continue. Lastly, I’d like to thank all players and members of the ozfortress community. TF2’s continued longevity is all due to the dedication and passion of the community behind it.
Thank you,
=o Thanks for your work man

If Ozfortress Goes Through With This They WIll be Losing One Of Their Most IMportant and Valuiable Community Members.....
i fucking love honey and soy chips. actual just pure joy when i eat them

thank GOD rot in hell mr fish
old man in charge

The King Is Dead Long Live The King.
balling my eyes out rn