
aka Reign, mehmet, Khaos
Joined on Mon Jan 18 2021
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reign has played in 25 leagues:

ozfortress Highlander Autumn '25 (S9)
  • Joined BRIANLANDER in Premier on Tue Jan 28 17:00:57 2025
ozfortress Sixes Spring '24 (S41)
  • Joined qqq in High on Thu Sep 26 20:01:52 2024
ozfortress Experimental Cup 3 ozfortress Highlander Winter '24 (S7)
  • Joined BRIANLANDER in Premier on Thu Jun 6 22:15:06 2024
ozfortress Fours Summer Cup ‘24
  • Joined chinchilla in Division 1 on Wed Jan 10 13:37:07 2024
ozfortress Sixes Spring '23 (S38) ozfortress Highlander Spring '23 (S5) ozfortress Experimental Cup 2
  • Joined TRANSITION in Division 2 on Thu Sep 14 15:21:34 2023
ozfortress Sixes Season 37
  • Joined TOWEL ANIMALS in Intermediate on Sun Jun 4 13:56:29 2023
ozfortress Highlander Season 4 ozfortress Sixes Season 36 ozfortress Highlander Season 3
  • Joined lehampter## in Premier on Wed Mar 1 22:43:01 2023
ozfortress Highlander Season 2 ozfortress Sixes Season 35
  • Joined ghostage in Intermediate on Wed Oct 5 22:30:05 2022
ozfortress Experimental Cup 1
  • Joined le fish## Heading in Intermediate on Fri Sep 16 19:46:43 2022
  • Left 26 in Intermediate on Fri Sep 16 19:46:43 2022
  • Joined 26 in Intermediate on Tue Sep 13 22:29:01 2022
ozfortress Highlander Season 1 ozfortress Sixes Season 34
  • Joined First Class in Intermediate on Wed May 11 10:37:03 2022
ozfortress Ultiduo 16 CappingTV Summer Brawl 2022
  • Joined Avo's Cados in Intermediate on Thu Jan 13 22:32:39 2022
ozfortress Sixes Season 33 ozfortress Sixes Season 32 ozfortress Winter League 2021
  • Joined z5 in Division 4 on Wed Aug 11 17:27:17 2021
ozfortress Sixes Season 31
  • Joined Avo's Cados in Open on Mon May 17 16:58:47 2021
ozfortress Autumn Cup 2021
  • Joined Avo's Cados in Open on Sat Apr 24 21:18:41 2021
ozfortress Sixes Season 30
  • Joined Avo's Cados in Open on Tue Jan 26 15:21:54 2021
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Thread: Infractions system changes & January 2024 Banwave

Once upon a time, nestled in a quaint village surrounded by rolling green hills, there lived a cheerful fellow named Bob. Bob wasn't your average villager; he was known far and wide as Bob the Digger. His passion for digging knew no bounds, and his skill with a shovel was legendary.

From a young age, Bob had been fascinated by the earth beneath his feet. He marveled at the mysteries hidden beneath the soil and the treasures waiting to be unearthed. While other children played games, Bob could be found digging in his backyard, uncovering rocks, roots, and occasionally, old artifacts left behind by previous inhabitants.

As Bob grew older, his love for digging only intensified. He became known as the go-to person for any digging project in the village. Whether it was planting crops, fixing drainage systems, or searching for lost items, Bob was always ready to lend a hand with his trusty shovel in tow.

One sunny morning, as the village awoke to the chirping of birds and the scent of freshly bloomed flowers, a commotion erupted near the town square. The villagers gathered around, murmuring with concern as they observed a sinkhole forming right in the center of their beloved community.

Panic spread through the village as people worried about their safety and the integrity of their homes. The mayor called for volunteers to help assess the situation and find a solution to the growing sinkhole. Without hesitation, Bob stepped forward, his eyes shining with determination.

Armed with his shovel and unwavering resolve, Bob set to work. With each dig, he carefully examined the layers of soil, studying the earth like an artist observing a canvas. Hours turned into days as Bob tirelessly worked to uncover the cause of the sinkhole.

His efforts did not go unnoticed. The villagers watched in awe as Bob's expertise and perseverance began to yield results. With each shovel of dirt, Bob unearthed clues that helped piece together the puzzle of the sinkhole's origin.

Finally, after days of diligent digging, Bob discovered the root of the problem: a hidden underground stream had eroded the soil beneath the village, causing the sinkhole to form. With this revelation, Bob sprang into action, devising a plan to redirect the stream and stabilize the ground.

Working alongside his fellow villagers, Bob orchestrated a series of channels and barriers to reroute the stream away from the village. It was a laborious process, but Bob's leadership and ingenuity inspired the community to unite in their efforts.

Days turned into weeks, and as the last stone was laid, the villagers gathered to witness the fruits of their labor. With bated breath, they watched as the waters flowed peacefully past the village, leaving behind a newfound sense of security and unity.

In the heart of it all stood Bob, the humble digger who had saved their home. The villagers cheered and applauded, grateful for his unwavering dedication and unwavering spirit.

From that day forward, Bob the Digger became a beloved figure in the village, his name whispered with reverence and gratitude. And as the sun set over the rolling hills, casting a golden glow upon the land, Bob knew that sometimes, the greatest treasures lie not in what we find, but in the strength and resilience we discover within ourselves.

Thread: ozfortress bans: mef/thughunter, amiibo king & bubsdoge

well, gg nice gentlemen

Thread: Sixes S35 - Voting Nominations

Team Name: Ghostage
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Intermediate
Best Combo Scout: doc
Best Flank Scout: bubsdoge
Best Pocket Soldier: sao
Best Roaming Soldier: shark
Best Medic: boo
Best Demoman: reign
Best Utility: doc
Most Improved Player: bubsdoge

Thread: ozfortress bans: bible & lightning

finally i hated that smokey zeus guy

Thread: ozfortress ban: magnett

why did his ban just go from 2 years to 1 what happened wtf
cant believe its already been a year 🙏

Thread: ozfortress ban: magnett

free the alloy

Thread: OZF 34 - Voting Nominations

Team Name: First Class
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Intermediate
Best Combo Scout: john
Best Flank Scout: doc
Best Pocket Soldier: RRLUCKY
Best Roaming Soldier: sao
Best Medic: Brady
Best Demoman: reign
Best Utility: doc
Most Improved Player: reign

Thread: ozfortress bans: vivi & andrew

enter image description here

Thread: ozfortress ban: adolo


Thread: OZF 32 - Voting Nominations

Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Intermediate
Best Combo Scout: eko
Best Flank Scout: ethan
Best Pocket Soldier: bible
Best Roaming Soldier: Lazz
Best Medic: 234b203cdba76524f64536d4f7362835
Best Demoman: Reign
Best Utility: ethan
Most Improved Player: ethan