
aka BEN
Banned from Leagues
Joined on Mon Jan 24 2022
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twoism has played in 12 leagues:

ozfortress Sixes Winter '24 (S40) ozfortress Highlander Winter '24 (S7) LAN Downunder 2024: Qualifiers
  • Joined slayworld in LDU 2024 Qualifiers on Wed May 1 18:02:53 2024
ozfortress Sixes Autumn '24 (S39)
  • Joined The Company in Intermediate on Tue Jan 30 14:12:44 2024
ozfortress Highlander Autumn '24 (S6) ozfortress Sixes Spring '23 (S38)
  • Joined Spare No Opps in Intermediate on Mon Sep 25 20:50:00 2023
ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 ozfortress Sixes Season 37 ozfortress Sixes Season 35 ozfortress Experimental Cup 1 ozfortress Highlander Season 1
  • Joined Mega Chippy in Open on Sun Jul 17 19:21:31 2022
ozfortress Sixes Season 34
Recent Forum Posts
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Thread: ozfortress Ban: Half Evil / emo / wally west / rockstarmade

bro praised god of war sanchez but aint got a single minute on q4 😭😭😭

Thread: ozfortress Ban: clynic / zore

demo kid prodigy turned into lightning clone SMH. on bd free him tho

Thread: Infractions system changes & January 2024 Banwave

r.i.p the heart and soul of geelong fortress

Thread: ozfortress bans: October 2023

Thread: ozfortress bans: odin & paray

thats life innit

Thread: ozfortress Ban Appeals

this is completely useless

Thread: ozfortress bans: airflameon & x32

airflameon's spy cheats clearly didn't work if someone ratted

Thread: User Content Guidelines & Player Behaviour inside/outside of ozfortress

core be sounding like a year 7 maths teacher

Thread: ozfortress banwave: August 2022

rest easy dingletonne, did it for the kids of nyirripi

Thread: ozfortress bans: bible & lightning

smokeyzues can return to the wiradjuri tribe now