Showing posts by core
Thread: ozfortress Bans: April 2024
core League Director


The users below have received Permanent Bans. This ban type will prevent them from using our services indefinitely. ozfortress reserves the right to deny users from its properties or services for any reason. If you are found aiding this person in evading their ban, you will face hefty league bans.

Permanent Bans

bappo STEAM_0:0:62610209

This person has been permanently barred from all ozfortress properties and services.

mef STEAM_0:0:74939682

This person has been permanently barred from all ozfortress properties and services.

Should any teams or groups within any ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, that team will be permanently banned from our competitions and all members involved will face hefty league bans.

Thread: ozfortress Ban: Half Evil / emo / wally west / rockstarmade
core League Director


The following ban/s are all Infraction Threshold bans, split between New Bans, and Ban Resets.

New Bans

The following player/s accrued enough points to reach an Infraction Threshold Ban.

Half Evil / emo / wally west / rockstarmade STEAM_0:1:103417454
This player has accrued a total of 90 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for 2 years, after which they will serve a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. Their ban duration will be extended if they are found ban-evading during their ban.

Should any teams or groups within any ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, that team will be permanently removed from our competitions and all members involved will face severe penalties.

Thread: ozfortress Ban: clynic / zore
core League Director


The following ban/s are all Infraction Threshold bans, split between New Bans, and Ban Resets.

New Bans

The following player/s accrued enough points to reach an Infraction Threshold Ban.

clynic / zore STEAM_0:1:27983646
This player has accrued a total of 90 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for 2 years, after which they will serve a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. Their ban duration will be extended if they are found ban-evading during their ban.

Should any teams or groups within any ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, that team will be permanently removed from our competitions and all members involved will face severe penalties.

Thread: (APRIL FOOLS) League Director changes & Rebranding to Respawn League
core League Director


Heh, you thought.

These aren't announcements I ever expected to be posting, neither of them. I started Respawn League in late 2018 out of discontent with the current Highlander league offerings at the time, then two years ago, Respawn League merged into ozfortress. To now be handing off not only the Respawn League branding but also the League Director role - it's a huge change. So, let us lay out what changes are coming.

I'm stepping away from the League Director role. Closing in on three years, I figure now is the right time to move on. So who will be at the helm? Well, I figured I would dig up a fossil, a Suchomimus in fact (I have no idea if that is the ancestor species of a catfish but), catfish. catfish will be returning to see over the return of Capping 4 a Cause later this year and the day-to-day of Respawn League from now on. Wait, the day-to-day of Respawn League?

catfish's acceptance statement:

I'm excited to be returning. After a good break to just enjoy TF2 and our community, I'm ecstatic to be picking up the reins, and leading ozfortress into the remainder of 2024 and beyond.

I, along with the rest of the staff team, have full confidence in catfish to help us redefine Team Fortress in the Asia-Pacific region.

We're rebranding!

Yeah, you read that right. Starting very shortly, all ozfortress properties will be rebranded to Respawn League ( There are more than a few reasons as to why this is happening, but the ones that matter are below.


We want to be able to bring you cool ozfortress merch, working with artists on a 50/50 revenue split. All merch revenue will be combined with the Patreon pool to cover server costs, as well as to more consistent prize pools! We'll have more information about this coming shortly.

Capping 4 a Cause

There are some fairly obvious legal requirements for a charity event/tournament, especially one with staff attending a studio for coverage. Like merch, there will be more info coming in due time. Oh and also yes - Capping 4 a Cause will be returning.


Beyond the ozfortress name, not having a logo that isn't a wordmark logo can be very limiting. So we figured we would bring a new logo and name, or rather a logo and name that didn't get to be used too much. ozfortress has been around for 23 years almost, it's time for something new.

Infrastructure reasons

Having full control over the domain, we can more quickly deploy new services and tools, regardless of if they are public or private. This will prevent us from having to wait weeks/months to get any ozfortress subdomain set.

We're expanding our competitions to Asia!

Yup, it's finally happening. Starting from our Winter '24 seasons, we will be running both Asia Sixes and Asia Highlander leagues. This is a big step for us, but it's yet another step up the mountain of bringing competitive TF2 to the spotlight it deserves.

We understand there is a lot of change coming, but just know this - what you've come to love and appreciate about ozfortress will remain, just under a new name.

Well, I guess not everything will remain. It's been real everyone, but there comes a time when you feel you need to step back and let those with more passion take the lead. Thanks for the memories and to those I met along the way.

Thread: We Want You - Looking for ozfortress staff!
core League Director

Looking for League Administrators

You've seen a few of these by now. We're looking for League Administrators to kick off the next season strong! If you think you have what it takes, follow the link below to see if you may have what we're looking for, and learn how to apply!

Web Dev experience wanted

We are looking to fill more roles than just League Administrators. If you have experience with Ruby on Rails and web dev, be it frontend or backend, give us a shout using the same link above!

As always, feel free to apply for any position, we're always looking for people! Thank you all for a great Autumn '24 so far, and we hope to see some applications from some of you soon!

Thread: ozfortress Bans: March 2024
core League Director


The following bans are all Infraction Threshold bans, split between New Bans, and Ban Resets.

New Bans

The following player/s accrued enough points to reach an Infraction Threshold Ban.

Xstroyer STEAM_0:1:567280780
This player has accrued a total of 60 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for 1 year, after which they will serve a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. Their ban duration will be extended if they are found ban-evading during their ban.

Ban Resets

A newly introduced alternative to our old Ban Extensions, see our news post discussing this change here. Ban Resets will reset a person's ban back to its original duration.

nuts STEAM_0:1:52139744
This player has accrued 30 ozfortress infraction points whilst serving their ban. As they accrued these infraction points during their ban, the player has had their ban reset back to a total duration of 1 year. After their ban, they will serve a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. Their ban duration will be extended if they are found ban-evading during their ban.

Should any teams or groups within any ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, that team will be permanently removed from our competitions and all members involved will face severe penalties.

Thread: League Penalties & Small Ruleset Updates
core League Director

League Penalties

League Penalties are finally here! League Penalties is a system designed to moderate poor league behaviour with more appropriate consequences. The League Penalties system will be monitored closely over the coming months and adjusted as needed.

In short:

  • Teams can accrue Minor, Moderate, and Major penalties during ozfortress competitions.
    • Three Minor penalties get upgraded to one Moderate penalty.
    • Three Moderate penalties get upgraded to one Major penalty.
  • When teams incur a Major penalty, they will receive a deduction of 2 match points for that competition.
  • If a team incurs three Major penalties, they will be disbanded.
  • Players can also receive penalties, these are often warnings/match bans on the first few occurences.
Example: Demo Checking

demo checking rule screenshot

catfish and obla play for Bingo Night.

  1. catfish fails a demo check. As it's his first offence, he receives a two-match ban.
    • As the first team offence, the team receives a Minor penalty.
  2. obla fails a demo check. As his first offence, he receives a two-match ban.
    • As the second team offence (the first being catfish), the team receives a Moderate penalty.
  3. catfish fails a second demo check. As his second offence, he receives a one-year league ban.
    • As the third team offence, the team receives a Major Penalty.

Check out the League Penalties here. If you have any feedback or concerns, please DM multi (@canyouprovethatimdriving).

Notable Ruleset Changes

Other Docs Changes

  • The Support & Reporting page has seen updates to improve its clarity and make it easier to make a report. League Penalties reporting has also been added.
  • The Player Behaviour Infractions page has been updated to clarify the Reporting Requirements & Evidence Verification section. The TLDR of this section is we now require certain things to be completed when you submit a report. This saves us a lot of time, not to mention we often could not verify the evidence submitted without lengthy back-and-forward chats with the reporter.
  • Updated User Policy to add a small FAQ.
  • If it works, there should now be a version on the top right of the docs website, which will be formatted as such:
    • Year.Month.IncrementalVersionNumber
Thread: ozfortress Ban: Professional Pumpkin Pie
core League Director

The user below has received a Permanent Ban. This ban type will prevent them from using our services indefinitely. If you are found aiding this person in evading their ban, you will face hefty league bans.

Permanent Ban
Professional Pumpkin Pie STEAM_0:0:429245188

This person has been permanently barred from all ozfortress properties due to severe breaches of our Community Guidelines.

Should any teams or groups within any ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed player, that team will be permanently banned from our competitions and all members involved will face hefty league bans.