Showing posts by Sperkle
Thread: Highlander Spring '23 (S5): Award Nominations
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

Highlander Casters:
Golden Terrestrial

Thread: Sixes Spring '23 (S38): Award Nominations
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

Sixes Casters:

Thread: Award Nominations for Sixes & Highlander Spring '23 are live!
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

Happy Holidays everyone! As the year comes to a close one of our last orders of business is our end of season Award Nominations and subsequent Voting. Below you will find the guidelines for the Award Nominations process. However, if you find yourself struggling with the process feel free to contact your division admin who can provide any support you may need. Award Nominations will close in one weeks time on Sunday the 17th of December at 11:59pm AEDT 2023.

If this is your first time submitting Award Nominations there are some guidelines and information below to keep in mind:

  • Only one of the captains on your roster needs to submit your team's nominations. We expect most teams usually discuss who they want to nominate for what award. Please note, you can only nominate your teammates for an award, voting will come after all nominations are submitted.
  • Failure to submit nominations is pretty severe - failing to submit nominations will result in your team not receiving any in-game badges/medals. Whilst we do not require everyone to vote on awards, we require that all teams submit nominations, to give everyone on your roster a fair shot at winning one of the end-of-season awards! If you have any issues with this ruling, please feel free to reach out and exclusions can be discussed.

Award Nomination threads

Thread: Highlander Spring '23 (S5) - Post Season Poll & Sixes Changes
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

Wait, no, don't go! Before you take off we just have one small request... PLEASE FILL IN THE POST SEASON HIGHLANDER POLL!

Highlander Post Season Poll

With seasons finished for Premier, Intermediate and Open Highlander, the time has now come for us to hear from you. We have crafted a nifty poll with questions spanning from your thoughts on weapon bans to how you felt about playing a... sixes map... in highlander. With all this information we will analyze and crunch the numbers, using the data to shape our future seasons.

This fancy poll is linked below. You'll hear from us one more time with our end of season post containing all our winners and player awards (so go submit your nominations already).

Upcoming Sixes Changes and Sixes Post Season Poll

Head Sixes Admin multi has been busy cooking up some changes based on player feedback and said to expect a big post sharing some proposed changes later this week. As a result, the Sixes Post Season Poll will be coming out slightly later so that all you Sixes fanatics have an opportunity to provide feedback on these proposed changes. And who knows, maybe we'll see some of these changes sneak into Highlander Autumn '24 (S6)!

Thread: Sixes Spring '23 (S38): Award Nominations
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

This thread is for nominating your team's players for the best-in-class awards for Sixes Spring '23 (S38). This thread will be used by us to collect the rosters of each team for voting, which go live once all nominations have been submitted.

Captains are asked to respond to this thread with the completed template below by Sunday the 17th of December at 11:59pm AEDT 2023 Please save replies for nominations only, and not discussion. Only one reply per team.

Failure to submit nominations will result in you and your team being unable to receive any awards or be eligible for in-game medals. While this may seem harsh, we do this so every player has a chance to be voted for. If you wish to be excluded for a specific reason, please reach out to your division administrator.

Strictly follow the format below, as we will be using an automated script to process this data.

Team Name:
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open):
Best Combo Scout:
Best Flank Scout:
Best Pocket Soldier:
Best Roaming Soldier:
Best Medic:
Best Demoman:
Best Utility:
Most Improved Player:

Thread: Highlander Spring '23 (S5): Award Nominations
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

This thread is for nominating your team's players for the best-in-class awards for Highlander Spring '23 (S5). This thread will be used by us to collect the rosters of each team for voting, which will happen at a later date.

Captains are asked to respond to this thread with the completed template below by ** Sunday the 17th of December at 11:59pm AEDT 2023.** Please save replies for nominations only, and not discussion. Only one reply per team.

Failure to submit nominations will result in you and your team being unable to receive any awards or be eligible for in-game medals. While this may seem harsh, we do this so every player has a chance to be voted for. If you wish to be excluded for a specific reason, please reach out to your division administrator.

Strictly follow the format below, as we will be using an automated script to process this data.

Team Name:
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open):
Best Scout:
Best Soldier:
Best Pyro:
Best Demoman:
Best Heavy:
Best Engineer:
Best Medic:
Best Sniper:
Best Spy:
Most Improved Player:

Thread: Highlander Spring '23 - Amended Final Placements and Restrictions
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator


Hello again everyone. Over the past 24 hours we have received several messages from players noting their concerns about our previous post featuring the Seedings and Player Restrictions for the Spring 2023 Season of ozfortress Highlander. In response to this our staff went back to review our work, considered the issues raised by you and began reworking our initial placements and restrictions.

Players came to us with concerns about the four divisions of four teams with players mentioning how the Main division looked unbalanced, with the the 1st and 2nd seeded teams being vastly greater in skill compared to the 3rd and 4th seeded team. In response to this we have decided to split this division up, meaning that the 1st and 2nd seeded Main teams have been pushed up to 5th and 6th seed in the Intermediate division while the 3rd and 4th seeded teams of the Main division have been placed down as the new 1st and 2nd seeds of the Open division. If it wasn't already clear, this means the Main division has been retired for this season.

With all of this in mind, now Intermediate and Open have six teams in their division. Furthermore, this means that Intermediate and Open will no longer have match repeats in their regular season and will play all teams in the division once. On the other hand, the Premier division will continue to have match repeats with each team playing one another twice in the regular season. To cater to the different season lengths across the divisions, we have adjusted the order of the Map Pool to ensure all teams play all the featured maps in the regular season, whilst also ensuring teams in Premier do not face each-other on the same maps twice. Intermediate and Open will play from Rounds 1 through to 5, while Premier will play from Rounds 1 through to 6.

We have also adjusted Player Restrictions across both the newly formed Intermediate and Open divisions to ensure the fairest competition across the board. Below the new seedings you can find a list of the amendments we have made to the restrictions or you can locate the full list on our league page.

Thank you all for your patience. We intend to generate matches tonight so keep your eyes pealed. If you have anymore concerns or questions, feel free to reach out via our support channels in our Discord or contact your Division Admin for any match related enquiries.


Musos Deluxe
bob the construction worker


Team Wahoo!
Significant Otter
bindlestiff swagmaxxers
Silent Tennis
Where no ability meets no effort


Shark Attack :3
worms on a string
goblin deez
visuers FRANCAIS
Norb Fortress 2 - Norbheads



Bliztank Added restrictions off Demoman & Heavy
Miffy Added restriction off Scout
henwe Added restriction off Spy
omni Added restrictions off Demo & Pyro
homer Removed Soldier restriction
Pipelin12 Added Scout restriction
donna Add Scout restriction
kbn Added restrictions off Soldier, Demoman & Sniper
angus Added restrictions for Heavy & Sniper
eunsoo Removed Soldier restriction
Kitt Removed Sniper restriction
scandalous!!!!!!!! Removed Spy & Engineer restrictions


Avo Added restriction off Sniper
gus Added restriction off Heavy
Uncle Vinnue Added restrictions off Scout and Heavy
Relz Added restriction off Pyro
Annabelle Added restriction off Heavy
bappo Removed Scout & Sniper restrictions
uber_gamer92 Removed Sniper restriction
Inv. Removed Scout restriction
Sassy Removed Demoman & Sniper restrictions

Thread: Highlander Spring '23 - Final Placements
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator


Highlander Spring '23 is here! With matches beginning this week you can find the divisions and the teams competing in them below. You can also view the Player Restrictions now via this nifty hyperlink or through the button at the top of the Highlander Spring '23 league page.

Seedings are listed in order, with all divisions making use of our well received Round Robin repeats system, used in all divisions during the previous season of Highlander. Division Administrators have been updated and can be found on the Division Admins page linked via a button at the top of the league page. Matches will be generated once we feel team's have had enough time to dispute their seedings.

As the first round of matches is set to start tomorrow we aim to generate all rounds for all divisions tomorrow evening. If you need any help organising your first round matches, require extensions or have any other issues or concerns, please visit our Discord's support category.


Musos Deluxe
bob the construction worker


Team Wahoo!
Significant Otter
bindlestiff swagmaxxers


Silent Tennis
Where no ability meets no effort
Shark Attack :3
worms on a string


goblin deez
visuers FRANCAIS
Norb Fortress 2 - Norbheads