How to vote:
Captains shall select three options and put them in order from highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. The first name will receive three votes, the second will receive two votes and the third will receive one vote. Voting for your own team mates is not allowed, regardless of award.
Important formatting - you must copy paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again I am using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!
Your team name:
Your team division: OpenBest Combo Scout: first place vote, second place vote, third place vote
Best Demoman:
Best Flank Scout:
Best Medic:
Best Pocket:
Best Roamer:
Best Utility:
Friendliest Team:
Most Improved Player:
Most Improved Team:
Most Valuble Player:
Best Dressed Team:
Best Caster:
Captains shall select three options and put them in order from highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. Voting for your own team mates is not allowed.
Your completed template should look like this (with the correct players on their classes, the same players have been used for each award in this example for simplicity) without the point allocations after each player name:
Your team name: Your Team Here
Your team division: Your Division HereBest Combo Scout: /dev/zero (3 points), wiggin (2 points), obla (1 point)
Best Demoman: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Flank Scout: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Medic: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Pocket: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Roamer: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Utility: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Friendliest Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Most Improved Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Most Valuble Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Dressed Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Best Caster: The Heavy, The Demoman, The Scout
Important formatting - you must copy paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again I am using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!
The votes must be sent through to chimes (chimes#0002
) or ants (a team of ants in their prime#3881
) in a Discord DM using the correct formatting by Friday the 8th of April 2022 at midnight by every team captain. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from counting.
How voting is calculated
We will use instant runoff voting to calculate the results.
The following players and teams are nominated for awards:
Best Combo Scout: Boo, EclypH, Miffy, beefs, lachlan
Best Demoman: Avo, Conner, Gorgon, Kurt, bambi
Best Flank Scout: Wasteman, brownie, capy, courtesy, shneersh
Best Medic: DuskDTN, Hana, Hef, Sunfish, yellow
Best Pocket: Channy, Freaky, Revan, Wackel, mal
Best Roamer: 7Buggs, Oatiz, Posse and Almonds, SEGA Bass Fishing, Skunde
Best Utility: Miffy, Rockey, Scrubsy, brownie, lachlan
Friendliest Team: ALT F4, Avos Cados, Posse Pounders, The Low Open Theory, cheap vs expensive
Most Improved Player: Freaky, Golden Terrestrial, SEGA Bass Fishing, Skunde, Xstroyer
Most Improved Team: ALT F4, Avos Cados, Posse Pounders, The Low Open Theory, cheap vs expensive
Most Valuble Player: 7Buggs, Avo, Boo, Channy, Conner, DuskDTN, EclypH, Freaky, Golden Terrestrial, Gorgon, Hana, Hef, Kurt, Miffy, Oatiz, Posse and Almonds, Revan, Rockey, SEGA Bass Fishing, Scrubsy, Skunde, Sunfish, Wackel, Wasteman, Xstroyer, bambi, beefs, brownie, capy, courtesy, lachlan, mal, shneersh, yellow
Best Dressed Team: ALT F4, Avos Cados, Posse Pounders, The Low Open Theory, cheap vs expensive
Best Caster: Luggnuts, Elmo, RRLUCKY, snazzy, quid, deft, starb$, enrith, ayr, ory, seinfeld, micolash, fryd0g, Tesla, Brady, core
How to vote:
Captains shall select three options and put them in order from highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. The first name will receive three votes, the second will receive two votes and the third will receive one vote. Voting for your own team mates is not allowed, regardless of award.
Important formatting - you must copy paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again I am using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!
Your team name:
Your team division: MainBest Combo Scout: first place vote, second place vote, third place vote
Best Demoman:
Best Flank Scout:
Best Medic:
Best Pocket:
Best Roamer:
Best Utility:
Friendliest Team:
Most Improved Player:
Most Improved Team:
Most Valuble Player:
Best Dressed Team:
Best Caster:
Captains shall select three options and put them in order from highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. Voting for your own team mates is not allowed.
Your completed template should look like this (with the correct players on their classes, the same players have been used for each award in this example for simplicity) without the point allocations after each player name:
Your team name: Your Team Here
Your team division: Your Division HereBest Combo Scout: /dev/zero (3 points), wiggin (2 points), obla (1 point)
Best Demoman: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Flank Scout: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Medic: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Pocket: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Roamer: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Utility: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Friendliest Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Most Improved Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Most Valuble Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Dressed Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Best Caster: The Heavy, The Demoman, The Scout
Important formatting - you must copy paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again I am using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!
The votes must be sent through to chimes (chimes#0002
) or ants (a team of ants in their prime#3881
) in a Discord DM using the correct formatting by Friday the 8th of April 2022 at midnight by every team captain. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from counting.
How voting is calculated
We will use instant runoff voting to calculate the results.
The following players and teams are nominated for awards:
Best Combo Scout: Doctrine, The Wiggin, eels, john, linguinilarry67, mtndrew, shark, ubergamer92
Best Demoman: Adrian, Chungus Mcbungus, Duckypus, chief, huffy, luckt, sessal, skaz
Best Flank Scout: Ethan, Macca, Tas, cj31, ethan, hugh, west, xander
Best Medic: Surgeon, Zeal, andrew, crying laughing emoji, odin, pengstah, snazzy, valen
Best Pocket: Lost Inside Cambodia, catfish, fuzz, garbo, h0tSnack, mork, oblivious, simon
Best Roamer: Harry, Keller, Pipelin12, Stamm, Zildjian, kayne, klebs, yauch
Best Utility: John, Tas, cj31, clrizm, ethan, linguinilarry67, xander, yauch
Friendliest Team: BEWARE OF THE PIPELIN12, Forklift Certified, Mork and friends, Salt Free Gaming, Should Be Studying, aimboat, chiken, mountain dew
Most Improved Player: Duckypus, Harry, Pipelin12, Stamm, Surgeon, pengstah, simon, snazzy
Most Improved Team: BEWARE OF THE PIPELIN12, Forklift Certified, Mork and friends, Salt Free Gaming, Should Be Studying, aimboat, chiken, mountain dew
Most Valuble Player: Adrian, Chungus Mcbungus, Doctrine, Duckypus, Ethan, Harry, John, Keller, Lost Inside Cambodia, Macca, Pipelin12, Stamm, Surgeon, Tas, The Wiggin, Zeal, Zildjian, andrew, catfish, chief, cj31, clrizm, crying laughing emoji, eels, ethan, fuzz, garbo, h0tSnack, huffy, hugh, john, kayne, klebs, linguinilarry67, luckt, mork, mtndrew, oblivious, odin, pengstah, sessal, shark, simon, skaz, snazzy, ubergamer92, valen, west, xander, yauch
Best Dressed Team: BEWARE OF THE PIPELIN12, Forklift Certified, Mork and friends, Salt Free Gaming, Should Be Studying, aimboat, chiken, mountain dew
Best Caster: Luggnuts, Elmo, RRLUCKY, snazzy, quid, deft, starb$, enrith, ayr, ory, seinfeld, micolash, fryd0g, Tesla, Brady, core
How to vote:
Captains shall select three options and put them in order from highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. The first name will receive three votes, the second will receive two votes and the third will receive one vote. Voting for your own team mates is not allowed, regardless of award.
Important formatting - you must copy paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again I am using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!
Your team name:
Your team division: IntermediateBest Combo Scout: first place vote, second place vote, third place vote
Best Demoman:
Best Flank Scout:
Best Medic:
Best Pocket:
Best Roamer:
Best Utility:
Friendliest Team:
Most Improved Player:
Most Improved Team:
Most Valuble Player:
Best Dressed Team:
Best Caster:
Captains shall select three options and put them in order from highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. Voting for your own team mates is not allowed.
Your completed template should look like this (with the correct players on their classes, the same players have been used for each award in this example for simplicity) without the point allocations after each player name:
Your team name: Your Team Here
Your team division: Your Division HereBest Combo Scout: /dev/zero (3 points), wiggin (2 points), obla (1 point)
Best Demoman: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Flank Scout: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Medic: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Pocket: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Roamer: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Utility: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Friendliest Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Most Improved Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Most Valuble Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Dressed Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Best Caster: The Heavy, The Demoman, The Scout
Important formatting - you must copy paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again I am using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!
The votes must be sent through to chimes (chimes#0002
) or ants (a team of ants in their prime#3881
) in a Discord DM using the correct formatting by Friday the 8th of April 2022 at midnight by every team captain. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from counting.
How voting is calculated
We will use instant runoff voting to calculate the results.
The following players and teams are nominated for awards:
Best Combo Scout: Beats, Emerude, Memories, airflameon, gort, janga7, kory, vivi
Best Demoman: AuZ, G|R, User, adam, akim, author, jono, r4
Best Flank Scout: 3sc4p3fr0mr3al1ty, BushMario, Doc, Jang, Phi Phi, hungry, tohka, xobile
Best Medic: Durpy, Mikcow, S P A C E S H I P, durc, efg, fryd0g, maid, reign
Best Pocket: Bread, Dott, Ravu4, Roymond, Worlds blankiest blank, bappo, conflux, moe
Best Roamer: Andyroo, Nurf, Wirthy, ferriberri, lofti, lux, moop, tokahontas
Best Utility: 3sc4p3fr0mr3al1ty, Andyroo, Memories, Phi Phi, hungry, moop, obla, tohka
Friendliest Team: Agents, Flying Spies BLACK, Fred Flintstone Loves Pingas, RAC: you are not reformed, Terrible Tactics, asunder, im heavy gaming, my new team fortress two team
Most Improved Player: Andyroo, Beats, Doc, airflameon, hungry, maid, moop, reign
Most Improved Team: Agents, Flying Spies BLACK, Fred Flintstone Loves Pingas, RAC: you are not reformed, Terrible Tactics, asunder, im heavy gaming, my new team fortress two team
Most Valuble Player: 3sc4p3fr0mr3al1ty, Andyroo, AuZ, Beats, Bread, BushMario, Doc, Dott, Durpy, Emerude, G|R, Jang, Memories, Mikcow, Nurf, Phi Phi, Ravu4, Roymond, S P A C E S H I P, User, Wirthy, Worlds blankiest blank, adam, airflameon, akim, author, bappo, conflux, durc, efg, ferriberri, fryd0g, gort, hungry, janga7, jono, kory, lofti, lux, maid, moe, moop, obla, r4, reign, tohka, tokahontas, vivi, xobile
Best Dressed Team: Agents, Flying Spies BLACK, Fred Flintstone Loves Pingas, RAC: you are not reformed, Terrible Tactics, asunder, im heavy gaming, my new team fortress two team
Best Caster: Luggnuts, Elmo, RRLUCKY, snazzy, quid, deft, starb$, enrith, ayr, ory, seinfeld, micolash, fryd0g, Tesla, Brady, core
How to vote:
Captains shall select three options and put them in order from highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. The first name will receive three votes, the second will receive two votes and the third will receive one vote. Voting for your own team mates is not allowed, regardless of award.
Important formatting - you must copy paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again I am using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!
Your team name:
Your team division: PremierBest Combo Scout: first place vote, second place vote, third place vote
Best Demoman:
Best Flank Scout:
Best Medic:
Best Pocket:
Best Roamer:
Best Utility:
Friendliest Team:
Most Improved Player:
Most Improved Team:
Most Valuble Player:
Best Dressed Team:
Best Caster:
Captains shall select three options and put them in order from highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. Voting for your own team mates is not allowed.
Your completed template should look like this (with the correct players on their classes, the same players have been used for each award in this example for simplicity) without the point allocations after each player name:
Your team name: Your Team Here
Your team division: Your Division HereBest Combo Scout: /dev/zero (3 points), wiggin (2 points), obla (1 point)
Best Demoman: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Flank Scout: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Medic: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Pocket: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Roamer: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Utility: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Friendliest Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Most Improved Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Most Valuble Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Dressed Team: Team Immunity, Jasmine Tea, Salt Free Gaming
Best Caster: The Heavy, The Demoman, The Scout
Important formatting - you must copy paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again I am using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!
The votes must be sent through to chimes (chimes#0002
) or ants (a team of ants in their prime#3881
) in a Discord DM using the correct formatting by Friday the 8th of April 2022 at midnight by every team captain. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from counting.
How voting is calculated
We will use instant runoff voting to calculate the results.
The following players and teams are nominated for awards:
Best Combo Scout: AiShou, N4ver, Sam, bishaminty, down, ether, smazza, ywl
Best Demoman: 2345y, Redcoat, adolo, cobra, daz, deft, matt, omni
Best Flank Scout: Akiki, Village Chief Warlord of Uganda, Dedstar, Elmo, aino, camille, cooki, dauq, rei
Best Medic: Dogroll, Zerk, fez, jd, lau, mirimu, raina, shy
Best Pocket: Doge, Duck, conor, gooseman, lizrd wizrd, raelen, riot, samson
Best Roamer: Bann, Paulsen, alt, feyn, gus, rintincan, sephyr, sunbear
Best Utility: Akiki, Village Chief Warlord of Uganda, Bann, Paulsen, Sam, alt, ether, feyn, rei
Friendliest Team: 30, ALT PUGS, Cerulean, Open Veterans: RE, fatpizza, fatpizza BLACK, freakshow, the doom dimension
Most Improved Player: Elmo, Paulsen, Zerk, aino, conor, rintincan, sephyr, sunbear
Most Improved Team: 30, ALT PUGS, Cerulean, Open Veterans: RE, fatpizza, fatpizza BLACK, freakshow, the doom dimension
Most Valuble Player: 2345y, AiShou, Akiki, Village Chief Warlord of Uganda, Bann, Dedstar, Doge, Dogroll, Duck, Elmo, N4ver, Paulsen, Redcoat, Sam, Zerk, adolo, aino, alt, bishaminty, camille, cobra, conor, cooki, dauq, daz, deft, down, ether, feyn, fez, gooseman, gus, jd, lau, lizrd wizrd, matt, mirimu, omni, raelen, raina, rei, rintincan, riot, samson, sephyr, shy, smazza, sunbear, ywl
Best Dressed Team: 30, ALT PUGS, Cerulean, Open Veterans: RE, fatpizza, fatpizza BLACK, freakshow, the doom dimension
Best Caster: Luggnuts, Elmo, RRLUCKY, snazzy, quid, deft, starb$, enrith, ayr, ory, seinfeld, micolash, fryd0g, Tesla, Brady, core
Community member Maid making a frag movie for ozfortress season 33. You can submit your demo clips below using the template provided, and by uploading your demo/s to an upload service and sending a shareable link (like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, Mega or OneDrive). Please make sure the link you provide will not expire until the video is released! Make sure to submit your clip using the format below:
Team Name:
Demo Ticks:
Brief description of the clip:
Demo Link:
Due to match generation issues likely arising from Round 3 being incorrectly generated (closest variation in match generation when compared to other tournament tools, unclear whether or not it was admin error or system error), there will be some duplicate matches and teams who do not play each other as they would normally.
Because of these issues, matches from potentially Round 4 (or Round 5, sadly we're not 100% certain) to Round 7 have deviated from what the Swiss System would normally pair. We are incredibly sorry for these match generation issues and have done our best to remedy the current Round 6 matches, and will be closely monitoring the generated Round 7 matches in a week's time.
We believe at this time that other divisions are unaffected by this, and the keen eyed among you will notice duplicates in Open, but they are a side effect of the two disbanded teams.
We will be instituting further measures to prevent this from reoccurring in the future. If you have any questions, concerns or feedback, feel free to send it my way (@core#6440).
Thanks for your understanding,
The ozfortress staff team.
League Ban
fizz / mosy STEAM_0:0:85608869
This player has accrued a total of 60 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for a period of 1 year, after which time the persons will be on permanent probation. If they are found aliasing during their competition bans, their ban duration will be extended.
Should ANY clans in ANY ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, the team will be permanently removed from our competitions and all members involved will face severe penalties.
Before making a report, please see our Support & Reporting page! To submit a Player Behaviour report, please make a new thread here and use the template below.
Please Note
- Your submission can only be seen by the League Director, the Head of Behaviour Panel, the Behaviour Panel members and yourself.
- Please also be aware that in the process of verifying some evidence or even delivering the infraction, the offender may become aware of who submitted the report/evidence inadvertently through either the timing of the infraction's delivery, through the infraction itself, or by figuring it out themselves. Whilst we endeavour to keep the reporter's anonymity, please understand that it is not always possible. Where possible, we do try to provide reasoning for infractions or bans received, but this is not always possible or safe.
- We ask that you follow our evidence verification requirements strictly when making your report.
**Suspect(s) account(s)**:
**Evidence (URLs / Media)**:
**Does any of your evidence need further verification?** Yes/No
**If you answered Yes above, provide verification**:
**Additional Notes (when it occurred, where, how, etc)**: