ozfortress Sixes Season 17

Open - Round #1

Straight Outta Bandwidth
Home Team
Mannco hats in 6s
Away Team
banana Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

What time tonight 8:30? start?

Chili Sixes Head Admin

The best way to do this is to propose 3 days that you are able to play this week and then they counter by saying the one that matches their time the best @ownage. Please have 3 days ready unless you are talking on discord/steam as well

8:30 is all good for us if you guys are still up for it, otherwise we would prefer tuesday or wednesday 8

http://logs.tf/1528606#76561198049957667 Process
http://logs.tf/1528596#76561198049957667 Badlands

Moist Toaster [U:1:105580399] merced for Mannco hats in 6s

TheWiggin Retired League Admin

Hey guys, good work on sorting and playing your match so quickly.
Dont forget to get your captains to sign up to discord, once they are in send me a pm so I can invite them to the captains channel.
Cheers, wiggin