Showing posts by Hawk
Thread: Sixes Winter '24 (S40): Award Nominations
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

Team Name: Geezer Gamer
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): High
Best Combo Scout: Mikcow
Best Flank Scout: inStinct
Best Pocket Soldier: Emgee
Best Roaming Soldier: Crypto
Best Medic: Cab
Best Demoman: Hawk
Best Utility: Mikcow
Most Improved Player: Cab

Thread: ozfortress Ban: Xstroyer / largo
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

Ban Extension

Xstroyer STEAM_0:1:567280780
largo STEAM_0:1:803111720

The player above has been found using an alternate account to play within ozfortress. As such, this player's existing ban will be extended by a period of 1 year, after which they will be on permanent probation. If they are found aliasing during their competition bans, their ban duration will be extended.

Should ANY clans in ANY ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, the team will be permanently removed from our competitions and all members involved will face severe penalties.

Thread: Sixes Winter '24 (S40) - Preliminary Placements
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

Winter Banner


Class restrictions pending updates -

Winter is here! This season we are continuing getting the preliminary placements and restrictions out prior to finalising so Please do not hesitate to contact an admin if you have any issues, questions, or concerns. This can be done through our Discord's support category.

Preliminary player restrictions can be found here.


BiliBili Gaming
Public Transport Victoria
This stuff is so good
Terrible Tactics
munchie paradox


Obese Gaming
altombo's kittens
Geezer Gamers
Maxwell Verstappen
First & Lost


Smidget Freestyling Dont Bother Me 2014
The Oxyconnoisseur's
cheese sandwich
God-Fearing Nuns
Mahasarakham University Thailand
Ask Me About My Sandvich
taking my gamer poison (studying)


Talking Tom and Friends
Man's Gos
Roll out Alone
Level 1 Crooks


Team Yippiee!
Gold Diggers Deluxe
positive vibes
Zest Fest
6 Reasons Not To Play TF2

Sniper Crouch Exploit

When a Sniper crouches whilst scoped in, his head moves slightly to the right instead of straight down. This means while crouching near a wall or large object, a Sniper can conceal up to, or sometimes more than 50% of their character model - often obfuscating where the head hitbox is. Because of this issue, an enemy sniper abusing this issue can often have a mostly uninterrupted line of sight, but with their character model being significantly covered. In a Sniper dual, a Sniper crouching close enough to a wall can likely negate a headshot from an opposing Sniper whilst still being able to shoot unobstructed.

From Winter '24 of Sixes and Highlander onward, we will be classing purposeful abuse of this issue as game mechanic exploitation. We understand that this is potentially difficult to police, however, it will often be very clear when someone is intentionally abusing this mechanical oversight. We will be reviewing each reported case of this behaviour individually, and not blanket banning any instance that could be purposeful exploitation.

This will be touched on again in an upcoming post (titled: Demo Recording Rule Change, Docs Updates, Infractions Ruleset Changes & Game Server Bans), but for now is not live in the ruleset.

Thread: Sixes Winter '24 - Signups Open, Season Changes & Pre-Season Survey
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

Winter Banner

Winter isn't just coming, it's here!

Welcome back to the 40th season of OWL ozfortress Sixes Winter '24! During the off-season, the community was heavily involved in discussions about the future of our game.

Below we have a list of changes that will be implemented in the upcoming season as well as some updates to our staff.


You can sign up for Sixes Winter '24 from Wednesday the 5th of June 2024, until Wednesday the 19th of June 2024. We aim to have seeding out by Friday the 21st of June 2024 at the latest, before the season starts. The season starts Sunday the 23rd of June 2024.

Sixes Winter '24 Pre-Season Survey

We've put out a pre-season survey to determine exactly what you want to see from this season. The survey will close Saturday the 8th of June 2024. Please fill out the survey!

Staff Updates

With another season, comes multi ple changes - an inevitable part of life is other priorities taking up your time. With that, we are sad to announce that down, wills, raina and multi have decided to pursue other ventures and step down from the league administration team. However, that does leave room for new talent and ideas! Both new and old, inStinct will be joining as our first new 6's Trial Admin. catfish will be (re)joining the team as a league administrator! Finally, with many seasons of experience as a league administrator, Hawk will take on the Sixes Head Administrator position in multi's stead.

Changes, Rule Modifications and Additions

The following is a list of changes and additions that are being made to ozfortress that will either change or affect how the Sixes Winter '24 league is run.

Secondary Match Days Removed:

  • Secondary Match Days have been removed. If teams are unable to play their match between Sunday - Thursday then they will need to be granted an extension via their division admin to play on Friday or Saturday.

Mercenery Usage:

  • When admin intervention is required for mediating denied mercenary usage, the proposed mercenary will be valued against the player they are replacing. It is not just a blanket check of the division they are playing in. This is staying in line with restricting mid-season transfer requests to avoid teams upgrading their roster mid-season.

Pick/ban Time Requirement

  • For this season we are awaiting final results of the survey before confirming this rule change.

Pick/ban Process Changes

  • This season will revert the Pick/ban process (for B03) which last season rewarded the higher seed strongly. This will be changed back to a more even:
    • Home-Ban, Away-Ban, Home-Pick, Away-Pick, Away-Ban, Home-Pick

No Late teams added

  • Once the divisional seedings have been finalised, teams will not be allowed to sign up for the season under any circumstances - regardless if a team disbands mid-season.

Team Captain Disband

  • Harsher punishments may apply for team captains or any rostered players who are either at fault or do not help the situation where a team is forced to disband mid-season.

Seedings and Class restrictions

  • Our plan for this season is to have a consistent approach for seeding and class restrictions. Teams will be required to list their core player's classes upon signup and (in most cases) will not be restricted from these. This is not a blanket immunity for lower divisions, as we will be seeding based on the overall strength of the team. Higher-skilled players playing with lower-skilled players would push the overall level of their team into a suitable division. After teams are seeded, we will separate them into divisions and restrict players that we think would have a negative impact on their division if they were to swap classes after the season begins. For example, if a top Premier Division scout signed up to a team as Demo and were seeded into High, they would likely be restricted off scout for balance. The same would apply to subs. Please note that this system allows for unrestricted players in a division to be of the same skill level of players with restrictions in the same divisions. Therefore comparisons to other players alone will not be a sufficient argument to restrict or un-restrict a player.

Two things to note:

  • There are further changes coming, but we are awaiting data from the pre-season survey. Please make sure to fill this out at the top of the league page.
  • Rule changes may not be updated on the website's docs. We will have them modified and updated prior to the season's start.
Thread: Sixes Winter '24 (S40) - Map Pool
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

Winter Banner


One map each is banned by the team captain 24 hours prior to the organised match start date.

Week 1: cp_sunshine/cp_process_f12/cp_reckoner/cp_snakewater_final1
Week 2: koth_bagel_rc9b/cp_snakewater_final1/cp_reckoner/cp_sunshine
Week 3: cp_snakewater_final1/cp_metalworks_f5/koth_bagel_rc9b/cp_gullywash_f9
Week 4: koth_clearcut_b16a/koth_product_final/cp_reckoner/cp_metalworks_f5
Week 5: cp_reckoner/cp_gullywash_f9/cp_snakewater_final1/cp_process_f12
Week 6: cp_process_f12/cp_sunshine/cp_gullywash_f9/cp_reckoner
Week 7: cp_gullywash_f9/cp_sunshine/koth_clearcut_b16a/koth_bagel_rc9b


Week 1: cp_sunshine/cp_process_f12
Week 2: cp_process_f12/cp_snakewater_final1
Week 3: cp_snakewater_final1/cp_metalworks_f5
Week 4: koth_clearcut_b16a/koth_product_final
Week 5: cp_reckoner/cp_gullywash_f9
Week 6: koth_bagel_rc9b/cp_reckoner
Week 7: cp_gullywash_f9/cp_sunshine

Custom maps

If you don't already have these installed, please click the links above to download them, and then move them to your ..\Team Fortress 2\tf\download\maps directory.

The following commands can be used to change maps to the correct version. Type or copy these commands into your console to change to that map, as long as you have the correct RCON password.

rcon changelevel koth_bagel_rc9b
rcon changelevel koth_clearcut_b16a
rcon changelevel cp_gullywash_f9
rcon changelevel cp_metalworks_f5
rcon changelevel cp_process_f12
rcon changelevel koth_product_final
rcon changelevel cp_reckoner
rcon changelevel cp_snakewater_final1
rcon changelevel cp_sunshine

Thread: Sixes Winter '24 (S40) - Player Restrictions
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

Winter Banner

Player Restrictions

This page will show all Player Restrictions (players restricted from specific classes in-game) for players in Sixes Winter '24. It will be updated throughout the season with each transfer window being a comment on this thread. Premier does not have any restrictions.


altombo's kittens

Scout Restrict Icon Afroman restricted off Scout.
Soldier Restrict Icon Scout Restrict Icon alt restricted off Scout & Soldier.
Demoman Restrict Iconsao restricted off Demo.


Demoman Restrict Icon heavenslept restricted off Demo.


Scout Restrict Icon altfs restricted off Scout.

Maxwell Verstappen

Demoman Restrict Icon Soldier Restrict Icon L0RD 8071CU5 0F 80T5W4N4 restricted off Demo and Soldier

obese gaming

Scout Restrict Icon DeDstar restricted off Scout


The Oxyconnoisseur's

Scout Restrict Icon Lain restricted off Scout.
Scout Restrict Icon vonixyy restricted off Scout.
Medic Lock Icon underpressure restricted TO Medic.


Scout Restrict Icon Beats may only replace lemons on scout.
Scout Restrict IconSoldier Restrict Icon PhiPhi restricted off Scout and Soldier.
Medic Lock Icon Time restricted TO Medic.

God-Fearing Nuns

Scout Restrict Icon bambi restricted off Scout.
Scout Restrict Icon Angus restricted off Scout.


Scout Restrict Icon stryker restricted off Scout.

taking my gamer poison (studying)

Scout Restrict Icon Disturbed restricted off Scout.


Talking Tom and Friends

Medic Lock Icon April restricted TO Medic.

Man's Gos

Soldier Restrict Icon Avo restricted off Soldier.


Scout Restrict Icon Demoman Restrict Icon silent* restricted off Scout & Demoman.


Gold Diggers Deluxe

Demoman Restrict Icon Hekittymeow restricted off Demoman.

Team Yipee!

Sniper Restrict IconScout Restrict Icon noemie restricted off Scout and Sniper.

positive vibes

Soldier Restrict Icon Krocs restricted off Soldier.
Medic Lock Icon mcdongle restricted TO Medic.


Soldier Restrict Icon Conner restricted off Soldier.
Scout Restrict Icon Hose_ Restricted off Scout.

Thread: Sixes Winter '24 (S40) - Transfers
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

Winter Banner


Our transfer system operates by approving transfers on a weekly basis. Teams can initiate player transfers at any point during the season, however, these transfers are processed and approved after the conclusion of the current round.

In order for a transferred player to be eligible to play in a particular round, the transfer request must be submitted prior to the commencement of that round. If the transfer has not been processed, this player must be approved for usage as a mercenary.

Transfers are subject to the rules outlined here in the Global Ruleset. In short:

  • Team must have a minimum of six players on their roster at any time.
  • Teams may transfer a maximum of one player into their roster during each round.
  • Teams may transfer a maximum of four players into their roster during the season.
  • There are no limitations on the number of players that can be transferred out of a roster.

Transfer Window 1 (Round 1)

Sunday 23rd June - Saturday 29th June 2024

Transfer Window 2 (Round 2)

Sunday 30th June - Saturday 13th July 2024

Transfer Window 3 (Round 3)

Sunday 14th July - Saturday 20th July 2024

Transfer Window 4 (Round 4)

Sunday 21st July - Saturday 27th July 2024

Transfer Window 5 (Round 5)

Sunday 28th July - Saturday 3rd August 2024

Transfer Window 6 (Round 6)

Sunday 4th August - Saturday 10th August 2024

Roster Lock applied Saturday 10th August 2024

After Transfer Window 6, players no longer may be transferred into or out of an active roster.

Thread: Sixes Winter '24 (S40) - Key Dates & Transfer Windows
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

Winter Banner

Key Dates & Transfer Windows

Key Dates - Signups & Seedings Dates

Wednesday 5th June 2024: Signups Open
Wednesday 19th June 2024: Signups Close, Rosters Locked for Seedings
Friday 21st June 2024: Seedings Released
Saturday 22nd June 2024: Matches Generated
Sunday 23rd June 2024: Season starts, Round 1 Begins

Regular Season Dates

Sunday 23rd June - Thursday 27th June 2024: Round 1
Sunday 30th June - Thursday 11th July 2024: Round 2
Please note that Round 2 spans two weeks due to LAN Downunder 2024, which runs on the 6th & 7th.
Sunday 14th July - Thursday 18th July 2024: Round 3
Sunday 21st July - Thursday 25th July 2024: Round 4
Sunday 28th July - Thursday 1st August 2024: Round 5
Sunday 4th August - Thursday 8th August 2024: Round 6
Roster Lock applied Saturday 10th August 2024
Sunday 11th August - Thursday 15th August 2024: Round 7

Playoffs Dates

Sunday 18th August - Thursday 22nd August April 2024: Playoffs Round 1
Sunday 25th August - Thursday 29th August 2024: Playoffs Round 2
Sunday 1st September - Thursday 5th September 2024: Playoffs Round 3 (Grand Final)

Transfer Windows

Transfers this season will be processed and approved on a weekly basis. There will be six transfer windows for this season of Sixes. Teams should note the Transfer Windows to prevent player issues with their rosters during the season. Transfers can be requested at any point during the season, however, the players in question will only be reviewed during the current or next Transfer Window, depending on when that player was requested. Furthermore, players won't be processed until their team's match has concluded for the current round. The listed transfer windows can be found below.

For applicants to be eligible to play in a particular round, the transfer application must be submitted by 11:59 PM AEST/AEDT time the Saturday of the round before the transfer window.

Transfer Window #1: Sunday 23rd June - Thursday 27th June 2024: Round 1
Transfer Window #2: Sunday 30th June - Thursday 11th July 2024: Round 2
Transfer Window #3: Sunday 14th July - Thursday 18th July 2024: Round 3
Transfer Window #4: Sunday 21st July - Thursday 25th July 2024: Round 4
Transfer Window #5: Sunday 28th July - Thursday 1st August 2024: Round 5
Transfer Window #6: Sunday 4th August - Thursday 8th August 2024: Round 6
Roster Lock applied Thursday 8th August 2024