ozfortress Sixes Season 20

Open - Round #3

Rise reborn
Home Team
whats poppin'
Away Team
samson Captain Retired League Admin
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Wednesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
samson Captain Retired League Admin ad hominem attack

hey!, Thursday at 8 or 9 works best for us

samson Captain Retired League Admin ad hominem attack

Ownage#OwnBoy: Wednesday 8
chello: sure
Ownage#OwnBoy: Ok done Wednesday 8


Ownage: you sure its ok if we have him play
Ownage: if our sub can't
big dab: just make sure you try and get your sub
Ownage: yes
big dab: if not, i guess its alright

Merc: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085915392/

Sunshine: logs.tf/1832001
Snakewater: logs.tf/1832017
Golden cap on snake: logs.tf/1832023

obla Retired League Director

Please remember to confirm/submit scores.