ozfortress Highlander Season 3

Intermediate - Round #5

The Bakes Team
Home Team
6pm Curfew ℗
Away Team
.Bakes Captain Retired League Admin
Oldcustard Retired League Admin
Rainy Retired League Admin
Kai Highlander League Admin
hive Retired League Admin
Fade Captain
Chili Sixes Head Admin
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
Kai Highlander League Admin lipSnoT

Coordinating with Ages for this week's official

Kai Highlander League Admin lipSnoT

Friday 7PM 🥳

Kai Highlander League Admin lipSnoT

Product 3-1 to 6PM

Upward 1-0 to 6PM

gg's, great games! Good luck in playoffs!

two white women shaking hands representing kai and ages, with the text "ggs, see u in playoffs too!!"

also look at this awesome clip!!!