ozfortress Sixes Season 18

Intermediate - Round #1

princess v2
Home Team
Twig's Bundles
Away Team
johnny Captain
psyco Captain
twig Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
obla Retired League Director

Please organise this.

Game was played on Sunday 12th

obla Retired League Director

Logs? Scores?

obla Retired League Director

Why is Process 3-3?

obla Retired League Director

PLEASE, you can't have a map draw. Process ending on 3-3 is unacceptable. A Golden Cap has to be played in such a situation.

Mutual FF for this match.

Also,the fact that I had to chase up both teams to follow up on their captain duties is also very disappointing.