ozfortress Sixes Season 21
Premier - Round #1
Y U G I B O Y SHome Team |
vs |
Salt Free Gaming.Away Team |
Captain Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat
Captain Retired League Admin

Hi all, welcome to OZF 21!
Your bracket's League Administrator are Thermite and obla. Instead of directly messaging your administrator(s), please use #help in the ozfortress Discord for support and any questions, where all online administrators will be of aid. Your bracket administrator(s) will be handling your transfers and matches.
Captains, please make sure you submit/confirm scores after every round before Thursday night! If possible, do it immediately after your match so you won't forget. The organisational deadline for all matches is Sunday 7:00 PM Sydney Time (AEDT) of each week.
Enjoy the season and see you on the battlefield!

when suits guys? our best days are wednesday and thursday

Please organise this ASAP.

Hey guys, just wondering if we could lock in Wed 9 if that suits? Would be keen to know asap so we can organise work.

Umm we cant do wednesday 9 sorry. Does thursday at 9 work for you?

We COULD do wednesday at 9 but we would need to run a merc if you guys allow it? But as said before, ideally Thursday at 9 is best for us!

thurs 9 works for us, see you then

Please post logs and submit/confirm scores..


5-0 proc to yugiboys http://logs.tf/1945053
5-0 snake to yugiboys http://logs.tf/1945056
ggs friends

confirmed ggs