ozfortress Sixes Season 22
Intermediate - Round #5
Salt Free Gaming.Home Team |
vs |
quackboysAway Team |
Captain Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat
Retired League Admin & Media Coordinator
Captain Retired League Admin
.44 Caliber Love Letter
Sixes League Admin

fancy seeing you guys here

thursday is looking our best bet

Thurs 9 should suit us matey, will pm you.

Tentative Thursday 9 but subject to change :]

GG guys, was a close one. Good luck with the rest of the season.
Gully = 4=3 to SF http://logs.tf/2053508#76561198005943577
Blands = 3-1 to SF http://logs.tf/2053493#76561198005943577

ggs, sorry about the delays and the bm from our teammates

Issues regarding this match has been resolved and captains notified of the decision. I am disappointed by the behaviour of members of both teams. We expect better behaviour from such seasoned players.
It should be noted that if there are any issues with the match, the game should NOT start and an administrator be contacted. Once both teams are readied up the conditions of the match are set. If there are issues ONGOING, then pause, and contact an administrator. DON'T UNPAUSE until the administration has resolved the issue.