ozfortress Sixes Season 22

Intermediate - Round #2

TyRoo Legacy Reborn
Home Team
Atten and his friends
Away Team
whraim Captain
n4ver Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

can we play monday at 8pm or no

obla Retired League Director

Please organise this.

obla Retired League Director

A strong reminder that POV demos must be recorded for all ozfortress matches as per Rule 4.2. All players must be able to provide a POV demo within 24 hours from any match if requested by an administrator. If you are unable to provide POV demos for a match you will face a 2 round exclusion.

The built in demo recording feature can be configured in the advanced options menu. To automatically record your gameplay, have the Recording Mode set to 'Auto-Record All Matches'.

can we play 9pm on monday or tuesday

wednesday thurs 8 is better for us

thurs 8 then ok

B3 TH3r3 0r b3 squ4re :O

ff we cant play