This thread is for nominating your team's players for the best-in-class awards for Highlander Season 4. This thread will be used by us to collect the rosters of each team for voting, which will happen at a later date.
Captains are asked to respond to this thread with the completed template below by Friday the 18th of August 2023! Please save replies for nominations only, and not discussion. Only one reply per team.
Failure to submit nominations will result in you and your team being unable to receive any awards or be eligible for in-game medals. While this may seem harsh, we do this so every player has a chance to be voted for. If you wish to be excluded for a specific reason, please reach out to your division administrator.
Strictly follow the format below, as we will be using an automated script to process this data.
Team Name:
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open):
Best Scout:
Best Soldier:
Best Pyro:
Best Demoman:
Best Heavy:
Best Engineer:
Best Medic:
Best Sniper:
Best Spy:
Most Improved Player:
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Intermediate
Best Scout: underpressure
Best Soldier: Pride
Best Pyro: hive
Best Demoman: Doctrine
Best Heavy: Exquizit
Best Engineer: strongman
Best Medic: Kurt
Best Sniper: cooleverest
Best Spy: Daggerman105
Most Improved Player: hive
Team Name: Musos Deluxe
Division: Premier
Best Scout: krollic
Best Soldier: Raelen
Best Pyro: Thyme
Best Demoman: RAZE
Best Heavy: JP
Best Engineer: Sperkle
Best Medic: remorse
Best Sniper: calski
Best Spy: Andyroo
Most Improved Player: krollic
Team Name: Milo Fortress 2 - Miloheads
Division: Open
Best Scout: Kane
Best Soldier: Gus
Best Pyro: Mups
Best Demoman: E_Waste
Best Heavy: Dryft
Best Engineer: Mortis
Best Medic: Hashfan
Best Sniper: Mira
Best Spy: reccoon
Most Improved Player: reccoon
Team Name: Morb Fortress 2 - Morbheads
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Open
Best Scout: manglemonster
Best Soldier: darwin
Best Pyro: romlyn
Best Demoman: a festive fish
Best Heavy: ash
Best Engineer: sega bass fishing
Best Medic: ms wizard
Best Sniper: superevilironman
Best Spy: nacht
Most Improved Player: a festive fish
Team Name: Significant Otter
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Main
Best Scout: Fresh101
Best Soldier: jv
Best Pyro: CH
Best Demoman: Beats
Best Heavy: Zinsh
Best Engineer: Square Bread
Best Medic: Woozy
Best Sniper: Reaps!
Best Spy: Speedy
Most Improved Player: jv
Team Name: Boykissers
Division: Open
Best Scout: Maxyvee
Best Soldier: Hecate
Best Pyro: Emily the Goldfish
Best Demoman: tom.
Best Heavy: uber_gamer92
Best Engineer: eden
Best Medic: ziah
Best Sniper: Gazza
Best Spy: Pancakelover
Most Improved Player: Maxyvee
Team Name: peepBURGER
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Premier
Best Scout: miffy
Best Soldier: max
Best Pyro: peep
Best Demoman: gooseman
Best Heavy: aino
Best Engineer: trash
Best Medic: raina
Best Sniper: bill
Best Spy: henwe
Most Improved Player: bill