catfish Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

This thread is for nominating your players for the best-in-class awards for ozfortress season 23.

Captains are asked to please respond to this thread with the completed template below by the Thursday 15th of November! Please save replies for nominations only and not discussion. Only 1 reply per team.

Failure to submit nominations will result in you and your team being unable to receive any awards.

Strictly follow the format below, as I will be using an automated script to process this data.

Team Name:
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open):
Best Pocket Scout:
Best Flank Scout:
Best Pocket Soldier:
Best Roaming Soldier:
Best Medic:
Best Demoman:
Best Utility:
Most Improved Player:

catfish Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Team Name: Salt Free Gaming.
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Premier
Best Pocket Scout: Thyme
Best Flank Scout: catfish
Best Pocket Soldier: Zildjian
Best Roaming Soldier: whitemagic
Best Medic: World's Blankiest Blank
Best Demoman: The Wiggin
Best Utility: Thyme
Most Improved Player: Zildjian

Team Name: gum gajang and the goanna gang
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): intermediate
Best Pocket Scout:himari
Best Flank Scout: amril
Best Pocket Soldier: sorrow
Best Roaming Soldier: seinfeld
Best Medic: jack
Best Demoman: thelampshade22
Best Utility: seinfeld
Most Improved Player: thelampshade22

Team Name: xeno
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Premier
Best Pocket Scout: AiShou
Best Flank Scout: Sam.
Best Pocket Soldier: v4na
Best Roaming Soldier: pause
Best Medic: Sean
Best Demoman: Doge.exe has stopped working
Best Utility: Sam.
Most Improved Player: Sean

Team Name: Uber Beets
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Open
Best Pocket Scout: Veron
Best Flank Scout: Beni
Best Pocket Soldier: ekaC
Best Roaming Soldier: Oblivious
Best Medic: Rockeyroad1415
Best Demoman: FluorescentBrown
Best Utility: Veron
Most Improved Player: Oblivious

Team Name: Yeet Street Gang
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Open
Best Pocket Scout: bill
Best Flank Scout: Gears
Best Pocket Soldier: lukatha
Best Roaming Soldier: Midbee
Best Medic: ♥ Bec the Bitch ♥
Best Demoman: Bitler
Best Utility: Sir Derpingston III
Most Improved Player: Bitler

Team Name: back 2 the bones
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): Intermediate
Best Pocket Scout: ratsoup
Best Flank Scout: olaf
Best Pocket Soldier: tank drop
Best Roaming Soldier: tokahontas
Best Medic: alibastor
Best Demoman: crybaby
Best Utility: adam
Most Improved Player: mal

donkeyhead LAN Downunder & Summer Brawl staff

Team Name: chiken
Division (Premier/Intermediate/Open): open
Best Pocket Scout: huffy
Best Flank Scout: lion
Best Pocket Soldier: donkeyhead
Best Roaming Soldier: jol
Best Medic: max
Best Demoman: pengstah
Best Utility: huffy
Most Improved Player: jol