Showing posts by lexx
Thread: Sixes Autumn '24 (S39): Award Nominations

Team Name: the isolation
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Premier
Best Combo Scout: robor.
Best Flank Scout: andrew
Best Pocket Soldier: Feyn
Best Roaming Soldier: lexx
Best Medic: Doge.exe
Best Demoman: matt
Best Utility: robor.
Most Improved Player: robor.

Thread: ozfortress bans: October 2023


Thread: Sixes Season 37: Award Nominations

Team Name: xcx
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): Premier
Best Combo Scout: cooki
Best Flank Scout: dauq
Best Pocket Soldier: ALT
Best Roaming Soldier: lexx
Best Medic: conor
Best Demoman: matttt
Best Utility: dauq
Most Improved Player: lexx

Thread: Sixes S35 - Voting Nominations

Team Name: bingo boys
Division (Premier/High/Intermediate/Main/Open): premier
Best Combo Scout: memories
Best Flank Scout: precious
Best Pocket Soldier: lexx
Best Roaming Soldier: rin
Best Medic: samson
Best Demoman: adolo
Best Utility: heebs
Most Improved Player: lexx

Thread: ozfortress ban: shuujokyo

enter image description here

Thread: ozfortress bans: max/weed liz & zias

more elo in the bin

Thread: ozfortress ban: adolo

comin for that elo

Thread: ozfortress September 2021 banwave

dauq pack...