Now I Have The ozfortress Administrators Firmly In My Pocket.
The King Is Dead Long Live The King.
If Ozfortress Goes Through With This Ban They WIll be Losing One Of Their Most IMportant and Valuiable Community Members.....
Team Name: Penny Traders
Division: Intermediate
Best Combo Scout: ĐɃŻŴÄŖŖÏŐŖȞĐ
Best Flank Scout: Lev
Best Pocket Soldier: undrex
Best Roaming Soldier: Afroman
Best Medic: Ravu4
Best Demoman: twitch.tv/fryd0g
Best Utility: Lev
Most Improved Player: undrex
Player Alias: frydog
Teams: Allahzilla 2 vs ligma
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: Semi finals
Tick: 5000
What to look for: 3k pushing onto last and I det on myself at the end (could be a funny clip to put at the end)
Demos: hhttps://www.mediafire.com/file/l96t6ehirhpv02c/allahzillasemimetalworks.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/611832#76561198052850920
Player Alias: frydog
Teams: Allahzilla 2 vs Terrible Tactics
Bracket: Intermediate
Round: 4
Tick: 51000
What to look for: 5k on enemy team pushing into cliff with an airshot
Demos: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lkyuynydo1y319r/allahzillaweek4product.dem/file
STV: https://demos.tf/587820#7656119805285092