ozfortress Sixes Season 21

Open - Lower Page Playoffs

Plan Z
Home Team
The Literature Club
Away Team
Z | Etrikarn Captain
victor Captain
sunbear Captain
inStinct Sixes League Admin
bitvolt Captain
Mikcow Captain
saturn Captain
samson Retired League Admin
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

What days are you guys free?

obla Retired League Director

Please organise this.

Confirmed 8:15pm AEDT Wednesday. We would like to start earlier if possible though. Our demo has to hop off at 9:50pm so if it comes down to three maps and our demo has to head off during the map, could we merc Gurney?

Fozzlm Retired League Admin & Media Coordinator

Friendly reminder that, as a standard rule, Mercs are not allowed to be used within playoff matches.

Uh oh

Is it ok if we reschedule for another night if it comes down to three maps

And play the third on another night this week

Also would like to play on quix as we have a player who gets screwed over using ozf servers at a certain time (timing out, evidently shown in repeated scrims)

they gots to pick right?

We're playing on ozfortress servers because our med get very high ping to qix at the moment

confirmed rescheduling

obla Retired League Director

these logs are correct

obla Retired League Director

No reschedule required. Discussed with all other current league administrators and the following was mutually agreed upon.

We see both sides to the issue. The Literature Club has publicly notified the other team via match communications of their inability to play a third map due to time issues. However, this is not valid as stated in Rule 3.3, all teams must ensure attendance to matches at the agreed upon time, and in playoffs you must be prepared to play 3 maps at the agreed time. We also understand that The Literature Club delayed the start of this fixture and were also allowed the use of a mercenary in order to start the match as close to the start time as possible.

As such, the administrators have agreed that more than enough allowances were made to the Literature Club for this match to be played, and the request for an extension is unreasonable. As Plan Z were the only players left in the server with a third map still to be played, the match will be given as a win to Plan Z.

and thus?

ggs ratwomen v2

i hope the win feels well deserved

at what point did we delay this???

Isn’t there a rule that if you pick your 3rd map more than 24 hours later than the second team picks it’s a ff?

we started directly on time, we were the ones to ready up first for the first map

Because they chose their 3rd map more than 24 hours later

hes guys guess what
fozzlm went offline
obla went offline


delays official
lies in front of admin's face
basically no comms whatsoever
"wins" playoffs to get a 3rd place open badge

I just feel like unfair tactics were used to get a cheap win, I think personally in playoffs it should be fair grounds, no advantages for either team (excluding ping because its almost impossible in that regards). We were basically forced to use a merc when it's playoffs, all of this would be avoided if either A: communication was used or B: just swap server providers.

We were unable to play a 3rd map because of their inability to type anything in game chat, and this was obviously a serious match, so when there is the opportunity to play an even fair match using alternate server providers, why shouldn't we use it. If we ask in-game why can't we use Qixalite servers and you fail to respond, it seems like you are either delaying the match as you were well aware of our time cutoff, or that you want us to be forced to off-class and use mercs instead of the team we practise and discuss with everyday. It was quite obvious in game how manipulative you guys were about the whole situation.

It drives me insane that people don't realise what this team is doing behind the scenes.

catfish Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

The ozfortress admin team has reviewed the decision that was made on Wednesday night regarding the Open LPP and our position remains the same. While we understand the position of The Literature Club there were several opportunities for The Literature Club to avoid this issue altogether, most notably among which is the disconnecting from the match server at the end of the second map. For clarification, the rule regarding the forfeiting of map picks has not existed for several seasons and under no circumstances would this have affected the issue in question. Regarding server selection, ozfortress servers are the default servers for all ozfortress games, and no team is obligated to play on a third-party server for any reason. Going forward we would ask both Plan Z and The Literature Club to be more organised when scheduling matches and for better communication via the match thread, and for both teams to revise the ozfortress rules regarding server selection.


Thank you to the admins you took the time to review this match, we will try to be better with clear communication in future matches.