ozfortress Sixes Season 20
Intermediate - Round #7
Alco-holicsHome Team |
vs |
spn 70kg fattyAway Team |
Retired League Admin / Patron
LAN Downunder & Summer Brawl Staff
Alco-holics lost to spn 70kg fatty, 0 to 5
Alco-holics lost to spn 70kg fatty, 0 to 5
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability):
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
hello gday! when would be best for you guys?

Retired League Director
Please organise this.

Any day but Thursday

prolly go for wed at 8 if that works for you guys, still figuring out with my team but ill put it in tentative
update to 8, apparently thats better

we'll porlly need a merc so ill hit you up on steam on the day

we can do Wednesday 8 but preferably 9

confirmed Wednesday at 8

Gullywash: https://logs.tf/1855783#76561198107938680 5-0 to spn 70kg fatty
Prolands: https://logs.tf/1855790#76561198107938680 5-0 to spn 70kg fatty
gg, we had fun