ozfortress Sixes Season 32

Intermediate - Round #2

Home Team
TF2 Player Touch Grass% WR (113:1356:41245:13:17)
Away Team
bishaminty Captain
eko Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
shy Retired League Admin

hi! we'd prefer thursday any time preferably but can schedule for otherwise if that doesn't work for you :)

can you guys do any earlier in the week (hopefully tuesday)

shy Retired League Admin

can't do tuesday, can maybe do wendesday 9? that's about as early as we can go

would thursday at 8 be good?

thursday @ 10 would be better*

shy Retired League Admin

Thursday 8 is probably better than 10 because one of our players has to get up early for work

thurs 9?

shy Retired League Admin

Thursday 9 works :)


shy Retired League Admin