ozfortress Winter League 2021
Division 3 - Semi Final
God Emperor SealsHome Team |
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ไทย people007Away Team |
Sixes Trial League Admin
Luv ❤
What day works for you guys?
Monday works best for us 8 or 9
how about wednesday 9 pm AEST?
we not free on monday.
If you look at the allocated times, Monday is the last available slot now.
"To be played between Saturday the 4th of September and Monday the 6th of September 2021."
okey tonight 9 pm AEST.
Awesome we are keen.
We need a soldier merc tonight as Mashiro cannot make it and our subs cannot either.
Would you accept one of the following?
- Shakey
- Lux
can i have their profile link ozfortress?
yeah sure.
Shakey - https://ozfortress.com/users/679
Lux - https://ozfortress.com/users/1883
Shakey is a med main and roster rider.
Lux is also roster riding div 2 and usually plays div 3.
We also need a med merc if the game goes past 10:10pm. We usually merc dramzy. https://ozfortress.com/users/1598
We allow 1 merc,
we also need a soldier merc
Shakey - https://ozfortress.com/users/679
Lux - https://ozfortress.com/users/1883
Shakey is a med main and roster rider.
Lux is also roster riding div 2 and usually plays div 3.
1 merc only, no more
Teams are allowed 2 mercs, you cannot stop them from using 2 mercs.
You're right. The rules does allow 2 mercs maximum. Stated "Only two mercenaries per team are allowed in each match at any moment in time." But it doesn't say that I can't let you have only 1 merc?
whatever that means
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