ozfortress Sixes Season 31

Intermediate - Round #4

Terrible Tactics
Home Team
fast forward
Away Team
aporia Captain
wirthy Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Confirmed Tues 9.
Good luck guys, looking forward to the game for sure :)

9pm tuesday

Wrocki and ory agree through disc

see you there

Reckoner: 4-1 (TT) https://logs.tf/2949722#76561198049556321
Clearcut: 3-0 (TT) https://logs.tf/2949735#76561198049556321

Ggs all! Was an honour to play against legends. Next time we'll go on less Zoomer maps hey?
Enjoy the remainder of the season :)

GGs thanks for games :)