ozfortress Summer Cup 2021

Division 4 - Round 3: Match 1

!add uluru spire
Home Team
Away Team
b1 Captain
Instigator Captain
donna Captain
chimes Retired League Admin
HUNGRY.4.EGGS Captain Sixes League Admin
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

yo what days/times can you do?

can tuesday

any chance of a thursday?

sorry champion, cant do a thursday

any time wednesday?

tuesday works the best for us right now

u sure cos tues is pretty shit for us

any chance you could do wednesday 9?

aah listen bro this week is pre tight with everything on, you want to ask admins if we can push the date back to this weekend sometime?

yeah, just moved our first official on wed to 7 so we can play wed 9

so we can do wed 9

yeah wed 9 is good

agreed on this merc: https://ozfortress.com/users/2679
cya at 9
