ozfortress Sixes Season 20
Intermediate - Round #6
QuestionableHome Team |
vs |
The NunjasAway Team |
Questionable lost to The Nunjas, 3 to 5
Questionable lost to The Nunjas, 1 to 2
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability):
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (Match Comms)
Retired League Director
Friendly reminder that this is the last week for transfers for the season. Please submit all transfers by Thursday the 5th of October at 11:59 PM.
here we are, again?
yup, only time we can't really do is Wednesday at 8
i think monday 9 sounds pretty good?
We would prefer Tuesday or Thursday over Monday, either one work for you?
Actually we can do Monday at 9 if that is still good for you, sorry about that.
i think so, thursday 9 would be more appropriate but we're pretty much whatever
we can do both, your choice
We'll do Monday at 9 then
Retired League Director
Post Guidelines
Please ensure your posts in Match Communications does not contain the following:
- Anything unrelated to the match. This is an infractable offence.
- Anything that violates our Community Guidelines.
Expected Match Details
Your Match Communications should (by the end of that round) contain:
- The agreed upon, scheduled match day and time.
- Indication as to which team won what map.
- logs.tf links for each map, which you can find easily via your ozfortress.com profile.
- Any mercenaries used within the match (it is expected that each team declares their approved mercenaries here).