ozfortress Highlander Spring '23 (S5)
Open - Round #3
Shark Attack :3Home Team |
vs |
visuers FRANCAISAway Team |

Hi, our best days are looking like Friday-Saturday-Sunday, 8-9pm each day

What days/times suit you best?
Friday so far

Friday 9pm for the game then?
We need merc
Yeah that's fine, for what class and who did you have in mind? We're pretty flexible if its someone within the div.
Can we lock in a time please? Does friday 9pm work?
Checked and it works

Friday 9pm it is then!

Who were you planning to merc for soldier?
we'd like to merc eden on engineer is that ok? https://ozfortress.com/users/4265
accept this heavy first: https://ozfortress.com/users/3964
Can you accept this high ping soldier merc: https://ozfortress.com/users/3048
We will not be accepting any mercs from higher divs. Please find mercs that are playing in open currently.
bargaining for mercs is not permitted
accept this scout: https://ozfortress.com/users/3964
Soz I didn't read that last sentence
soldier/scout/heavy merc: https://ozfortress.com/users/1275
jv most feared most hated for his precision tracking
Would you approve this merc: https://ozfortress.com/users/3988

I'm guessing you're requesting as a soldier merc, https://ozfortress.com/users/3988 approved to play soldier
do you need any other mercs?
And can we merc eden on engie?
No thanks that player has too high skill

How about https://ozfortress.com/users/2359 on engi?
Can you send another merc preferably in open and below where my team is in the standings, thanks
This guy on heavy, possibly engi: https://ozfortress.com/users/4825
Train smash approved engi only

https://ozfortress.com/users/4825 approved for heavy and engi
Hey can you guys send the SDR when you send the IP
We will be booking on rhizome which does not have SDR sorry
ok you need many advantages but at least merc this guy engi/heavy as the other guy cannot make: https://ozfortress.com/users/3115
yeah thats fine
merc this guy engi: https://ozfortress.com/users/4807 (joined team late for some reason)
yep thats fine
you can only have a max of 3 mercs at once for highlander btw

Who would this merc be replacing?
noone. We only have pastamania and shana since the NA guy went to bed

connect server.rhizome.tf:25515; password "qhMsaKTNXDw";