ozfortress Sixes Season 32
Intermediate - Round #7
TF2 Player Touch Grass% WR (113:1356:41245:13:17)Home Team |
vs |
Avo's CadosAway Team |
Captain Media Team
Retired League Admin
a team of ants in their prime
Retired League Admin
TF2 Player Touch Grass% WR (113:1356:41245:13:17) lost to Avo's Cados, 0 to 2
TF2 Player Touch Grass% WR (113:1356:41245:13:17) lost to Avo's Cados, 3 to 4
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability):
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Confirmed Thursday at 9 through Discord :)
Good luck everyone, should be a close game!

Other team approved https://ozfortress.com/users/2505 to merc for us

Hey we have a Sydney server could we please use that?
Gullywash: 2-0 Avo's Cados https://logs.tf/3078306
Snakewater: 4-3 Avo's Cados https://logs.tf/3078311
GG guys. Those were some intense matches (especially gullywash).