ozfortress Winter League 2021

Division 3 - Round #2

Terrible Tactics
Home Team
God Emperor Seals
Away Team
Doctrine Captain
mashiro Sixes Trial League Admin
Zach Captain
jono Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Heyo, Wednesday or Thursdays at 7 or 8pm are most suitable for us.

Hey guys :) Will discuss with the team tonight but as is now Thursday at 8 looks possible, no promises as of yet though.

Would you prefer to do our picks/bans early or on the night?

We're good to lock in Wednesday at 8 if you guys are!

Just checking with team now

Wednesday 8pm confirmed

Clearcut: 3-0 TT https://logs.tf/3008195#76561198049556321
Snakewater: 1-6 GES https://logs.tf/3008208#76561198049556321
Product: 0-3 GES https://logs.tf/3008224#76561198049556321
Well played all! Hope to see you guys in playoffs :)