ozfortress Sixes Season 31
Main - Round #7
put your mother in a straight jacket punk ass white boyHome Team |
vs |
CURSEDAway Team |
put your mother in a straight jacket punk ass white boy lost to CURSED, 0 to 4
put your mother in a straight jacket punk ass white boy lost to CURSED, 0 to 3
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability):
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
Can you do Thursday 8?
Confirmed Tuesday 8pm
Vlogenater — Today at 1:31 PM
Actually nephew will flank scout if that’s ok?
Vlogenater — Today at 4:57 PM
please lmk if he is allowed asap
Vashta? — Today at 5:18 PM
should be fine
mercing nephew flank scout

gg wp, no logs because Bris =(