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Thread: Ultiduo 18 - Resources
core League Director


Below are some quick aliases for setting up for server. To book a server, please head over to

Server Config

  • rcon ozf-ud-ultiduo


  • rcon changelevel ultiduo_ozf_r
  • rcon changelevel ultiduo_baloo_v2
  • rcon changelevel ultiduo_swine_b06
  • rcon changelevel ultiduo_champions_b1

Map Downloads

Map downloads are available on the Ultiduo 18 cup page.

Thread: 64bit TF2 is here! Servers & What You Need to know!
core League Director Servers Updated!

We want to thank Arie for sorting the servers so quickly. Any player using 64bit or 32bit TF2 clients should be able to play on servers without issue. The servers will remain on 32bit for a while until updates and solutions are found/made. To reiterate, 64bit clients can play on 32bit servers.

The majority of the plugins needed for competitive games are functioning as expected, but please report any issues you find immediately to the Discord. We've also updated our #book-a-server channel to now point to for server support.

POV Demo Recording

You may have heard, you may not have. P-REC, our staple POV demo recording tool of the last decade has not been, and likely will not be updated for 64bit TF2. P-REC does still work on the 32bit version of the game, which can be run from the SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2 directory, however, there is an alternative if you don't want to give up the performance benefits of 64bit. Whilst some may not like it, the in-game demo recording tool does allow for similar functionality to P-REC. We will be leaving the two main commands to run below, which will help you get the "demo system" setup correctly. We have also finally added our own POV Demo Recording guide to help you get the demo system set up and provide you with all of the commands you need to get it working as closely to P-REC used to.

To be crystal clear, regardless of which TF2 client version you use:

It is the responsibility of the player to ensure they are recording POV Demos when playing official matches. Ignorance of this is not an excuse.

Custom File Issues

Depending on your choice of custom HUD, you may run into issues with certain parts of your HUD. For example, some HUDs are having issues with the loadout section of the inventory. We would suggest joining the HUDS.TF Discord for diagnosing HUD issues if you can't wait for the HUD's creator to update it. Additionally, if you want to see all of the HUD changes, see this GitHub commit.

If you are running into stability issues with your game, we would suggest ruling out your configs and other custom files, and then reporting it to Valve. Some things to note that were changed with the move to 64bit (and that were fixed separately or as a result of 64bit):

  • HUD player model has received optimizations in the update thanks to a fix from Team Comtress 2, so it's basically a couple of frames cost instead of dozens.
  • If you have -noquicktime in your launch options, it's no longer needed.
  • DX8 is causing crashes for people, might be worth going up to DX9.

Match Play Issues

If your match has been impacted or you fear it will be, please feel free to contact your division administrator via the Team Captain's Discord, or by using our #admin-support channel. Please note, however, we do expect everything to run "business as usual", but we're here if you need help.

"What else came with 64bit?"

Again if you don't already know, performance improvements. Anywhere between 15-35% depending on hardware configurations. Check out shounic's video discussing the now finished beta for 64bit.

"Once more for those at the back"

Please be patient with us, Valve,, HUD and CFG makers, everyone. 64bit is a huge move and win for TF2's longevity, but it may come at a cost short term. Issues more than likely will arise, but we'll deal with them.

Sorry this took so long to get out. We wanted to make sure we had a guide ready and could answer some of the questions you may have had. Again, thank you to Arie and the rest of the team for their tireless work getting servers up-to-date and ready.

Thread: ozfortress Ultiduo 18: May Madness '24 - Signups are now open!
core League Director

Ultiduo is back in 2024 with Ultiduo 18!

ozfortress' famed Ultiduo returns, this time as a part of our May Madness off-season. Ultiduo 18 will kick off a series of tournaments between the Autumn '24 and Winter '24 seasons.


You can sign up for Ultiduo 18 from now (Wednesday the 17th of April 2024), up until Wednesday the 1st of May 2024. We aim to have initial seedings out by Friday the 3rd of May at the latest. As always, Ultiduo will be on a Saturday, Saturday the 4th of May 2024.

Maximum Signups

We may look to limit the maximum team signup numbers to somewhere between 40-48 teams, as we are worried we will not have enough servers to effectively cover any more teams. It's not ideal, but sadly may have to happen. We will let everyone know how things are looking as we find out ourselves.


Proposed Changes Poll Results

We've included the three most voted-for maps in Ultiduo 18. We are also currently considering the two most voted-for weapon unlocks, those being the Disciplinary Action and Solemn Vow. In addition to those changes, we now have a fresh new Ultiduo ruleset!

For more in-depth info on the results, please see the league page.

Thread: Ultiduo - Creating a Team and Signing Up
core League Director

Creating a Team and Signing Up

On the ozfortress website, captains can create Teams using the "Start Team" button on the Teams page. Once created, captains can invite players to the team. Team invites are shown on a player's profile, which can be accessed by clicking on your name next to the bell on the top right-hand corner of your screen. Teams provide a pool of players that can be signed up for a tournament. Players may be in the pool for multiple teams but only one active roster for any given tournament. Captains may sign up a roster for tournaments under the league page.

By signing up, you acknowledge that you may be placed in any division the administrators deem fit for your roster, and thus you should be reasonable in your expectations on division placement. We will endeavour to let duos know of changes in initial seedings before the final release. Please ensure you specify the division you truly believe your team should be in, this will make it easier for administrators to consult with you on your seeding. Along with selecting your desired division, please also list who you expect to play, and what class/role. We've left a template below, please include it in your signup application's description.

Discord Handles:

For questions regarding substitutes or mercenaries, please see 1.6. Substitutes & Mercenaries.

Thread: Ultiduo 18 - Finding a Partner
core League Director

Finding a Partner

If you're new and not sure how to get started, don't fret! Check out the Recruitment category of the ozfortress Discord where you can see if anyone is also looking for a partner (you will need to get the Sixes recruiting roles in the "channels and roles" part of the Discord, otherwise you will not be able to see these channels). Ultiduo duos consist of one soldier and one medic.

Once you've signed up your team or have joined one, your part is done.

Thread: ozfortress Bans: April 2024
core League Director


The users below have received Permanent Bans. This ban type will prevent them from using our services indefinitely. ozfortress reserves the right to deny users from its properties or services for any reason. If you are found aiding this person in evading their ban, you will face hefty league bans.

Permanent Bans

bappo STEAM_0:0:62610209

This person has been permanently barred from all ozfortress properties and services.

mef STEAM_0:0:74939682

This person has been permanently barred from all ozfortress properties and services.

Should any teams or groups within any ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, that team will be permanently banned from our competitions and all members involved will face hefty league bans.

Thread: ozfortress Ban: Half Evil / emo / wally west / rockstarmade
core League Director


The following ban/s are all Infraction Threshold bans, split between New Bans, and Ban Resets.

New Bans

The following player/s accrued enough points to reach an Infraction Threshold Ban.

Half Evil / emo / wally west / rockstarmade STEAM_0:1:103417454
This player has accrued a total of 90 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for 2 years, after which they will serve a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. Their ban duration will be extended if they are found ban-evading during their ban.

Should any teams or groups within any ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, that team will be permanently removed from our competitions and all members involved will face severe penalties.

Thread: ozfortress Ban: clynic / zore
core League Director


The following ban/s are all Infraction Threshold bans, split between New Bans, and Ban Resets.

New Bans

The following player/s accrued enough points to reach an Infraction Threshold Ban.

clynic / zore STEAM_0:1:27983646
This player has accrued a total of 90 ozfortress infraction points. As such, the player has been banned from, the community's competitions, and all other ozfortress properties for 2 years, after which they will serve a 12-month probation, in which any reoffence will double the severity of the penalty. Their ban duration will be extended if they are found ban-evading during their ban.

Should any teams or groups within any ozfortress competitions be found housing the listed players, that team will be permanently removed from our competitions and all members involved will face severe penalties.