Thread: ozfortress ban: mune kei/ryan瑞安
Thread: ozfortress ban: shuujokyo
doctrine had this character as a sleeper agent...
Thread: ozfortress banwave: August 2022
i heard lux is global elite in cs global
Thread: August Infraction Update #2: Probation system
Thread: ozfortress bans: bible & lightning
invest in lightningcoin will be up 400% on stock market 4 years from now
Thread: small idea for the site
New players needed almost 10-15 seconds to mobilise together to the sound cue of a main call, this is a lot of wasted seconds by any experienced player's standard; toxicity tends to brew during this period as ADHD & ADD symptoms within younger demographics & those from lower-socioeconomic areas or even middle to upper tend to be left without resolution to addictions & dysfunction.
source pls
Thread: ozfortress league season coaching & development
shjow us your badges!!!
Thread: ozfortress bans: vivi & andrew
this author character...