Thread: Highlander Spring '24 (S8) - Map Pool
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

Spring24 Banner

Map Schedule

Map Schedule

Map Pool

Highlander Spring '24 Map Pool


Changes to the Highlander Autumn '24 Map Pool

Please see the Poll Results linked on the league page as well as the Highlander Spring '24 Changes News post for specific percentages and details about the Map Pool changes.

  • Removed Warmtic
  • Added Summercoast and Proot

Please note: pl_upward_f12, pl_vigil_rc10, pl_summercoast_rc8e, cp_steel_f12, koth_product_final, koth_ashville_final and koth_proot_b6c-alt2 are custom maps. If you don't already have these installed, please click the links above to download them, and then move them to your ..\Team Fortress 2\tf\download\maps directory.

The following commands can be used to change maps to the correct version. Type or copy these commands into your console to change to that map, as long as you have the correct rcon password.

rcon changelevel pl_upward_f12
rcon changelevel koth_product_final
rcon changelevel pl_swiftwater_final1
rcon changelevel pl_summercoast_rc8e
rcon changelevel cp_steel_f12
rcon changelevel pl_vigil_rc10
rcon changelevel koth_ashville_final1
rcon changelevel koth_proot_b6c-alt2

Thread: Server-side Automated Demo Recording Settings Checker Plugin
core League Director

We get the title of this post is a bit wordy, but we promise the plugin and each person's interaction with it couldn't be simpler.

Are you automatically recording your demos with ds_enable 3? If you also have ds_autodelete set to 0, you have nothing to worry about - you might see some messages in chat saying you're all good, but you have nothing to worry about. If however, you have ds_enable set on any other setting, or ds_autodelete set to 1 (which automatically deletes all demos after they are recorded), then the plugin will warn you in chat after you join or upon both team's readying up.

This plugin has two modes. Currently, the plugin is set to its warning-only mode, which notifies everyone on the server of a player's settings when they join the server, or on ready up. In the future, we may opt to turn on the plugin's kicking mode when a person has invalid settings, which in addition to the two already performed checks in the warning mode, can also prevent a person from joining the server if their settings are invalid.

We are planning to leave the plugin on warning-only mode, for now, to get some numbers on who doesn't have their settings set correctly, who opts to manually record, etc. Once the plugin has had some time to simmer in everyone's minds, we'll look at making any needed changes/changing settings. A big thank you to everyone involved in making this happen, and an even bigger thank you to Shigbeard for bringing the plugin to life!

Thread: Vale Woofer

rest in peace

Thread: ozfortress Summer Cup 2025 - Schedule & Map Pool
Hawk Sixes Head Admin


The following commands can be used to change maps to the correct version. Type or copy these commands into your console to change to that map, as long as you have the correct RCON password.

rcon changelevel cp_prolands_rc2p
rcon changelevel cp_logjam_rc12f
rcon changelevel cp_granary_rc16f
rcon changelevel cp_sultry_b8a
rcon changelevel koth_clearcut_b17 


All group stage matches on the first day will be played as best-of-ones. There will be four matches that will decide the seeding for the playoffs on day two. The top four teams from the group stages will go through to the playoffs on day two. All play-offs matches will be single elimination and the finals best-of-threes.

Day 1 - Saturday the 25th of January (Group Stage, BO1)

  • 7:00pm - Round 1 cp_logjam_rc12f
  • 7:45pm - Round 2 cp_granary_pro_rc16f
  • 8:30pm - Round 3 cp_prolands_rc2p
  • 9:15pm - Round 4 cp_sultry_b8a

Day 2 - Sunday the 26th of January (Playoffs: Page Playoffs matches are BO1, Semi-Finals & Grand Finals are BO3)

  • 6:30pm - Page Playoffs - koth_clearcut_b17
  • 7:15pm - Semi-Finals - BO3 pick/bans
  • 9:15pm - Grand Finals - BO3 pick/bans


Due to the time constraints between rounds, we will be utilsing a modified config which was on display at the recent Summer Brawl LAN. The win conditions of these are set by the highest score after 25 minutes, or first to 5. If both teams are tied at 25 minutes, an additional 5 minutes will be added. If no team can finish the game in those next 5 minutes, the team controlling middle will win the game.

rcon exec command to be confirmed

Thread: Vale Woofer

Fly high big man

Thread: Vale Woofer
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator


It brings us great sadness to share that on Monday the 23rd of December 2024, ozfortress player and community member Woofer sadly passed away. Woofer has been an active participant in ozfortress competitions for over four years and will be missed by many members of the community. In the future, we will be sharing links to charitable causes if anybody would like to make a donation in his name. Our thoughts are with woofer's friends and family in this difficult time.

The ozfortress admin team
(Posted on the 7th of January 2025)

Cat Haven

As we mentioned in the initial post above, Woofer's family has elected a charity for donations to be made to in Woofer's name. Cat Haven is based in Western Australia and is responsible for taking care of homeless cats until they can be rehomed in safe and loving environments. Woofer had a great affinity for cats and his family and friends felt this was a very fitting charity to give to in his memory. If you would like to donate to Cat Haven and find out more about their work you can find the donation link below.

🐈 Cat Haven

(Posted on the 11th of January 2025)

Thread: Vale Woofer

Thanks for all the fun times, I’ll miss you :(

Thread: Vale Woofer
catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

Real sad, hope all of woofer's friends are taking care

Thread: Vale Woofer
<user> Patron

Rest in peace

Thread: Vale Woofer

S32 and 33 were a blast thanks to you woofer, love ya heaps man.

Thread: Vale Woofer

I Will miss you man<3

Thread: Vale Woofer

fly high my beloved ❤️ you will be missed

Thread: Vale Woofer

not a day gone by I haven’t thought about you. 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐

Thread: Witness Gaming to Fireside's Denver LAN 2025!
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

(Poster & Artwork by requim)

Witness Gaming AU for Denver LAN 2025!

On the horizon of 2025 a new LAN has been announced in the City of Denver, Colorado. While you may think this American Lan is to be inconsequential for the likes of us Australian's (and New Zealanders) you couldn't be more wrong!

For the first time since 2017 (going on 8 years ago) our very own Australian squad Witness Gaming is looking to compete overseas against the likes of America's and Europe's best teams. The roster that will be representing our region in Denver from the 24th to the 26th of May 2025 will be as follows;

Witness Gaming AU:

Combo Scout: cooki
Flank Scout: silvo
Pocket Soldier: conor
Roamer Soldier: down
Demoman: enrith
Medic: lau

How you can help get the squad to Denver

To make this possible the team is asking the community to contribute an approximate amount of $6330 AUD. This will help cover numerous expenses and will make the overall trip easier for the players who will be representing our region. In return, the members of the Witness Gaming roster have set multiple fundraiser goals as well as numerous donation perks for contributors who chip in certain amounts. At the time of writing, the team has already raised 10% of their set goal in under 24 hours!

If you're looking to contribute to our Aussie boy's push to attend the Fireside LAN in 2025 you can find links to donate both money and in-game items below. You can also view more information about Witness Gaming's attendance and the Lan overall via the TeamFortressTV posts also linked below.

Best of luck to cooki, silvo, conor, down, enrith and lau! All of us from the ozfortress community will be cheering you on from home o7.

Donation Links (edit as of 04/01/25 - donation target REACHED):

Witness Gaming Indiegogo Fundraiser

Trade link to donate in-game items to enrith (Demoman of Witness Gaming)

TeamFortressTV Threads:

Get Australia to Denver LAN 2025 by enrith

Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 (24-26 May) by lacyavenue

Thread: Witness Gaming to Fireside's Denver LAN 2025!
wilsonoid New Player Experience Team

where is sheep

Thread: Highlander Spring '24 (S8): Main Voting
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

How to Vote

We've reformatted our voting threads to better enable captains in correctly formatting and submitting their votes to us. Take a look, and let us know if you run into any issues.

1. Putting your votes together

Captains shall select three options from the Nominated Players heading and put them in order of highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. The first name will receive three votes, the second will receive two votes and the third will receive one vote. Voting for your own teammates is not allowed, regardless of the award (this includes Best Caster).

Important formatting - you must copy-paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again we are using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!

Your team name:
Your team division: Premier

Best Scout: first-place vote, second-place vote, third-place vote
Best Soldier:
Best Pyro:
Best Demoman:
Best Heavy:
Best Engineer:
Best Medic:
Best Sniper:
Best Spy:
Friendliest Team:
Most Improved Player:
Most Improved Team:
Most Valuable Player:
Best Dressed Team:
Best Caster:

Your completed template should look like this (with the correct players on their classes, the same players have been used for each award in this example for simplicity) without the point allocations after each player name:

Your team name: Your Team Here
Your team division: Your Division Here

Best Scout: /dev/zero (3 points), wiggin (2 points), obla (1 point)
Best Soldier: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Pyro: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Demoman: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Heavy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Engineer: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Medic: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Sniper: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Spy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Team: Atomic Affinity, Red Pandas, Musos Deluxe
Friendliest Team: Atomic Affinity, Red Pandas, Musos Deluxe
Best Caster: catfish, core, obla

Remember: Voting for your own teammates is not allowed.

Nominated Players

The following players and teams are nominated for awards:

Best Scout: eden, noemie, Zando, Florence, Jspr, LuigisBigMac, Ramsp, Slimboy17

Best Soldier: herba tranquilla vibeus, indy and her jones, APVC, Gears, zdav, #1 Morrissey Fan, Sly Samuel, MAST!

Best Pyro: ziah, Cantrip, Cryo, FriendlyPyromancer, ALittleSilly, Peepo, Gregory, Luma

Best Demoman: Gazza, Mirage, Pigel, klebs, Maeveanic, Glitchy, SwaySway, schmitie

Best Heavy: eunsoo, manglemonster, GUNWR0NG, SpicyHipJesus, x32, Mr. Venom, Pablo 62, THE WOODS

Best Engineer: angus, arbabf, 45, Verydarklord, Sev, Char Aznable, juliangonzales2009@yahoocom, Jarr

Best Medic: time, Miss Squidge, olivergeeoz, Sly Rocko, Hindenpeter, Nazareth <3, 0nkee, Amro

Best Sniper: WORLD's BLaNKIEsT BLaNK, Evelynn, J, Alsander and Ciaran, FIN, Suggie, 7ambo, minette

Best Spy: leo., Bree, MonsterGunner0v0, Karly, gamer juice, roastchicken12, Captain Sigma!, DD

Most Improved Player: WORLD's BLaNKIEsT BLaNK, Cantrip, Zando, brian, Peepo, SwaySway, Slimboy17

Most Improved Team: sejinming fever, Bisexual Lighting, Rich and Grainous, With Blackjack And Furries!, Burgr,
rat gaming, funny people, MouseWarriors

Friendliest Team: sejinming fever, Bisexual Lighting, Rich and Grainous, With Blackjack And Furries!, Burgr,
rat gaming, funny people, MouseWarriors

Most Valuable Player: eden, herba tranquilla vibeus, ziah, Gazza, eunsoo, angus, time, WORLD's BLaNKIEsT BLaNK,
leo., noemie, indy and her jones, Cantrip, Mirage, manglemonster, arbabf, Miss Squidge, Evelynn, Bree, Zando, APVC,
Cryo, Pigel, GUNWR0NG, 45, olivergeeoz, J, MonsterGunner0v0, Florence, Gears, FriendlyPyromancer, klebs,
SpicyHipJesus, Verydarklord, Sly Rocko, Alsander and Ciaran, Karly, Jspr, zdav, ALittleSilly, Maeveanic, x32, Sev,
Hindenpeter, FIN, gamer juice, brian, LuigisBigMac, #1 Morrissey Fan, Peepo, Glitchy, Mr. Venom, Char Aznable,
Nazareth <3, Suggie, roastchicken12, Ramsp, Sly Samuel, Gregory, SwaySway, Pablo 62,
juliangonzales2009@yahoocom, 0nkee, 7ambo, Captain Sigma!, Slimboy17, MAST!, Luma, schmitie, THE WOODS, Jarr,
Amro, minette, DD

Best Dressed Team: sejinming fever, Bisexual Lighting, Rich and Grainous, With Blackjack And Furries!, Burgr,
rat gaming, funny people, MouseWarriors,

Best Caster: Rainy, Freaky, nightjar, jennierubyjane

2. Submitting your votes

The votes must be sent through to the following administrator;

Votes need to be submitted to one of the admins listed above by the Tuesday the 31st of December at 11:59pm AEDT. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from being counted and will make your team in-eligible for in-game medals.


How is Voting calculated?

We will use instant runoff voting to calculate the results.

Will we receive in-game medals if we fail to submit our votes?

No, as we believe that every player should have the chance to be voted for.

How long will it take for Awards to be released?

The release of Awards often varies, but you can expect it usually within a week or two of Voting closing.

Thank you based Valen for their work to improve our scripts used for nominations and voting!

Thread: Highlander Spring '24 (S8): Premier Voting
Sperkle Highlander Head Admin & Media Coordinator

How to Vote

We've reformatted our voting threads to better enable captains in correctly formatting and submitting their votes to us. Take a look, and let us know if you run into any issues.

1. Putting your votes together

Captains shall select three options from the Nominated Players heading and put them in order of highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. The first name will receive three votes, the second will receive two votes and the third will receive one vote. Voting for your own teammates is not allowed, regardless of the award (this includes Best Caster).

Important formatting - you must copy-paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again we are using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!

Your team name:
Your team division: Premier

Best Scout: first-place vote, second-place vote, third-place vote
Best Soldier:
Best Pyro:
Best Demoman:
Best Heavy:
Best Engineer:
Best Medic:
Best Sniper:
Best Spy:
Friendliest Team:
Most Improved Player:
Most Improved Team:
Most Valuable Player:
Best Dressed Team:
Best Caster:

Your completed template should look like this (with the correct players on their classes, the same players have been used for each award in this example for simplicity) without the point allocations after each player name:

Your team name: Your Team Here
Your team division: Your Division Here

Best Scout: /dev/zero (3 points), wiggin (2 points), obla (1 point)
Best Soldier: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Pyro: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Demoman: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Heavy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Engineer: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Medic: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Sniper: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Spy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Team: Atomic Affinity, Red Pandas, Musos Deluxe
Friendliest Team: Atomic Affinity, Red Pandas, Musos Deluxe
Best Caster: catfish, core, obla

Remember: Voting for your own teammates is not allowed.

Nominated Players

The following players and teams are nominated for awards:

Best Scout: krollic, Miffy, HUNGRY.4.EGGS, Time, var, Lillia, Striker

Best Soldier: Lizrd-Wizrd, mashiro, norbit the plug, jv, Adrian, psyco, Jdn

Best Pyro: bird, peep, Styxs, CH, Relz, Bluemmy, Rainy

Best Demoman: maz, <user>, turris, omni, Doctrine, akari, Amatorii

Best Heavy: typo., john the asian, HASHFAN, Flow, reeee.vol 2, skai, Nebu!a

Best Engineer: Sexy Turtle, Mikcow, redja, surge, strongman, Train Smash, jupyter

Best Medic: remorse, jd, tal, woozy, wizward, wang, Pulse

Best Sniper: calski, bill, strawbunny, aigis, myyyst, MEMORIES, seiran

Best Spy: Andyroo, henwe, chimes, Speedy, Daggerman105, Lev, WinterPizza850

Most Improved Player: maz, Mikcow, norbit the plug, jv, myyyst, inStinct, Striker

Most Improved Team: S.M., crylander, rascals, Significant Otter, Youth for Christ, Where no ability meets no effort,
Guzman y Gibus

Friendliest Team: S.M., crylander, rascals, Significant Otter, Youth for Christ, Where no ability meets no effort,
Guzman y Gibus

Most Valuable Player: krollic, Lizrd-Wizrd, bird, maz, typo., Sexy Turtle, remorse, calski, Andyroo, Miffy, mashiro,
peep, <user>, john the asian, Mikcow, jd, bill, henwe, HUNGRY.4.EGGS, norbit the plug, Styxs, turris, HASHFAN, redja,
tal, strawbunny, chimes, Time, jv, CH, omni, Flow, surge, woozy, aigis, Speedy, var, Adrian, Relz, Doctrine, reeee.vol 2,
strongman, wizward, myyyst, Daggerman105, Lillia, psyco, Bluemmy, akari, skai, Train Smash, wang, MEMORIES, Lev,
Striker, Jdn, Rainy, Amatorii, Nebu!a, jupyter, Pulse, seiran, WinterPizza850

Best Dressed Team: S.M., crylander, rascals, Significant Otter, Youth for Christ, Where no ability meets no effort,
Guzman y Gibus

Best Caster: Rainy, Freaky, nightjar, jennierubyjane

2. Submitting your votes

The votes must be sent through to the following administrator;

Votes need to be submitted to one of the admins listed above by the Tuesday the 31st of December at 11:59pm AEDT. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from being counted and will make your team in-eligible for in-game medals.


How is Voting calculated?

We will use instant runoff voting to calculate the results.

Will we receive in-game medals if we fail to submit our votes?

No, as we believe that every player should have the chance to be voted for.

How long will it take for Awards to be released?

The release of Awards often varies, but you can expect it usually within a week or two of Voting closing.

Thank you based Valen for their work to improve our scripts used for nominations and voting!

Thread: Sixes Spring '24 (S41): Open Voting
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

How to Vote

We've reformatted our voting threads to better enable captains to correctly format and submit their final votes to us. Take a look, and let us know if you run into any issues.

1. Putting your votes together

Captains shall select three options from the Nominated Players heading and put them in order of highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. The first name will receive three votes, the second will receive two votes and the third will receive one vote. Voting for your own teammates is not allowed, regardless of the award (this includes Best Caster).

Important formatting - you must copy-paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again we are using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!

Your team name:
Your team division: Open

Best Combo Scout: first-place vote, second-place vote, third-place vote
Best Flank Scout:
Best Pocket:
Best Roamer:
Best Demoman:
Best Medic:
Best Utility:
Friendliest Team:
Most Improved Player:
Most Improved Team:
Most Valuable Player:
Best Dressed Team:
Best Caster:

Your completed template should look like this (with the correct players on their classes, the same players have been used for each award in this example for simplicity) without the point allocations after each player name:

Your team name: Your Team Here
Your team division: Your Division Here

Best Scout: /dev/zero (3 points), wiggin (2 points), obla (1 point)
Best Scout: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Soldier: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Pyro: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Demoman: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Heavy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Engineer: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Medic: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Sniper: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Spy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Team: Jasmine Tea, Witness Gaming, soirée
Friendliest Team: Jasmine Tea, Witness Gaming, soirée
Best Caster: catfish, core, obla

Remember: Voting for your own teammates is not allowed.

Nominated Players

The following players and teams are nominated for awards:

Best Combo Scout: Davé, Sulu, yaw, Superevilironman, Sirgy, xav, Peep, Whitefang2360

Best Flank Scout: BustaChime, Vincent Viniyur, astral, Train Smash, Adrift, FIN, Sully, newspice

Best Pocket Soldier: IndustrialSoap, Wodah, g57x, Nacht, Valeyard, Maeveanic, Tecki, Hobby_Sr

Best Roamer Soldier: schnapps, Klebs, archie, broccoli, Donk, x32, Kratos, Eat Ham

Best Demoman: Glitchy, Pigel, bobb0, Romlyn, Wiggin, B4SIC, NeoFusion, AuroraEchoe

Best Medic: randomcat, SpicyHipJesus, 7ambo, Romlyn, Haste, Saiissssyy, Peteydog

Best Utility: ANML, WinterPizza, kafka1920, The Incredible Gassy, Valeyard, Maeveanic, Peep, Eat Ham

Friendliest Team: /happypilldegens/, lana del rey fan club, Succulent Chinese Meal, Mildly Depressed Millennials, Robot House, Morb Fortress 2 - Morbheads, loveseat massacre, 6 Reasons Not To Play TF2

Most Improved Player: randomcat, SpicyHipJesus, g57x, broccoli, Sirgy, FIN, Saiisssyyy, Whitefang2360

Most Improved Team: /happypilldegens/, lana del rey fan club, Succulent Chinese Meal, Mildly Depressed Millennials, Robot House, Morb Fortress 2 - Morbheads, loveseat massacre, 6 Reasons Not To Play TF2

Most Valuable Player: Davé, Sulu, yaw, Superevilironman, Sirgy, xav, Peep, Whitefang2360, BustaChime, Vincent Viniyur, astral, Train Smash, Adrift, FIN, Sully, newspice, IndustrialSoap, Wodah, g57x, Nacht, Valeyard, Maeveanic, Tecki, Hobby_Sr, schnapps, Klebs, archie, broccoli, Donk, x32, Kratos, Eat Ham, randomcat, SpicyHipJesus, 7ambo, Romlyn, Haste, Saiissssyy, Peteydog, Glitchy, Pigel, bobb0, Romlyn, Wiggin, B4SIC, NeoFusion, AuroraEchoes

Best Dressed Team: /happypilldegens/, lana del rey fan club, Succulent Chinese Meal, Mildly Depressed Millennials, Robot House, Morb Fortress 2 - Morbheads, loveseat massacre, 6 Reasons Not To Play TF2

Best Caster: freaky, ghost, flaurosa, turris, tal, wils, Elmo

2. Submitting your votes

The votes must be sent through to the following administrator;

Votes need to be submitted to one of the admins listed above by the Tuesday the 31st of December at 11:59pm AEDT. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from being counted and will make your team in-eligible for in-game medals.


How is Voting calculated?

We will use instant runoff voting to calculate the results.

Will we receive in-game medals if we fail to submit our votes?

No, as we believe that every player should have the chance to be voted for.

How long will it take for Awards to be released?

The release of Awards often varies, but you can expect it usually within a week or two of Voting closing.

Thank you based Shigbeard for their work to improve our scripts used for voting this season!

Thread: Sixes Spring '24 (S41): Intermediate Voting
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

How to Vote

We've reformatted our voting threads to better enable captains to correctly format and submit their final votes to us. Take a look, and let us know if you run into any issues.

1. Putting your votes together

Captains shall select three options from the Nominated Players heading and put them in order of highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. The first name will receive three votes, the second will receive two votes and the third will receive one vote. Voting for your own teammates is not allowed, regardless of the award (this includes Best Caster).

Important formatting - you must copy-paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again we are using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!

Your team name:
Your team division: Intermediate

Best Combo Scout: first-place vote, second-place vote, third-place vote
Best Flank Scout:
Best Pocket:
Best Roamer:
Best Demoman:
Best Medic:
Best Utility:
Friendliest Team:
Most Improved Player:
Most Improved Team:
Most Valuable Player:
Best Dressed Team:
Best Caster:

Your completed template should look like this (with the correct players on their classes, the same players have been used for each award in this example for simplicity) without the point allocations after each player name:

Your team name: Your Team Here
Your team division: Your Division Here

Best Scout: /dev/zero (3 points), wiggin (2 points), obla (1 point)
Best Scout: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Soldier: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Pyro: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Demoman: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Heavy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Engineer: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Medic: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Sniper: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Spy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Team: Jasmine Tea, Witness Gaming, soirée
Friendliest Team: Jasmine Tea, Witness Gaming, soirée
Best Caster: catfish, core, obla

Remember: Voting for your own teammates is not allowed.

Nominated Players

The following players and teams are nominated for awards:

Best Combo Scout: Yons, Silent, April, Avo, Seiran, Matty, Evelynn, WORLD's BLaNKIEsT BLaNK, Olivergeeoz, Time,

Best Flank Scout: wilson brown, San, manglemonster, mean bug, uber_gamer92, Rai, Noemie, megumi, Kurt,

Best Pocket Soldier: akim, Wilma, Zepi, Brix, Dezi, Henry, Rain, bobo, Strongman, Pengstah,

Best Roamer Soldier: corn, Quay, chonk, Night, Mio, Titan, Bree, mashiro, Frawg, Beats,

Best Demoman: Tenous, Reven, Amatorii, Wackelpudding, KRB, Sev, reeee.vol 2, anna, Relz, Jv

Best Medic: Ghost, Clippy, arbabf, Gunwrong, NaNO3, Cryo, Mirage, ziah, Rainy, Woozy, Spaceship,

Best Utility: herba tranquilla vibeus, Clippy, April, mean bug, Mio, Smallrat, Noemie, megumi, Kurt, Woozy

Friendliest Team: Students of the game, Untitled Team #04, Talking Tom and Friends, Hive's Mind, facing my gamer charges, Straight Outta Plumpton, Team Yope!, bobo's burgers, hold the redja, THE WILD FRUITS, DLLM

Most Improved Player: Tenous, Clippy, Amatorii, Gunwrong, NaNO3, Rai, Mirage, ziah, Olivergeeoz, Beats

Most Improved Team: Students of the game, Untitled Team #04, Talking Tom and Friends, Hive's Mind, facing my gamer charges, Straight Outta Plumpton, Team Yope!, bobo's burgers, hold the Redja, THE WILD FRUITS, DLLM

Most Valuable Player: Yons, Silent, April, Avo, Seiran, Matty, Evelynn, WORLD's BLaNKIEsT BLaNK, Olivergeeoz, Time, wilson brown, San, manglemonster, mean bug, uber_gamer92, Rai, Noemie, megumi, Kurt, akim, Wilma, Zepi, Brix, Dezi, Henry, Rain, bobo, Strongman, Pengstah, corn, Quay, chonk, Night, Mio, Titan, Bree, mashiro, Frawg, Beats, Tenous, Reven, Amatorii, Wackelpudding, KRB, Sev, reeee.vol 2, anna, Relz, Jv, Ghost, Clippy, arbabf, Gunwrong, NaNO3, Cryo, Mirage, ziah, Rainy, Woozy, Spaceship,

Best Dressed Team: Students of the game, Untitled Team #04, Talking Tom and Friends, Hive's Mind, facing my gamer charges, Straight Outta Plumpton, Team Yope!, bobo's burgers, hold the redja, THE WILD FRUITS, DLLM

Best Caster: freaky, ghost, flaurosa, turris, tal, wils, Elmo

2. Submitting your votes

The votes must be sent through to the following administrator;

Votes need to be submitted to one of the admins listed above by the Tuesday the 31st of December at 11:59pm AEDT. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from being counted and will make your team in-eligible for in-game medals.


How is Voting calculated?

We will use instant runoff voting to calculate the results.

Will we receive in-game medals if we fail to submit our votes?

No, as we believe that every player should have the chance to be voted for.

How long will it take for Awards to be released?

The release of Awards often varies, but you can expect it usually within a week or two of Voting closing.

Thank you based Shigbeard for their work to improve our scripts used for voting this season!

Thread: Sixes Spring '24 (S41): High Voting
Hawk Sixes Head Admin

How to Vote

We've reformatted our voting threads to better enable captains to correctly format and submit their final votes to us. Take a look, and let us know if you run into any issues.

1. Putting your votes together

Captains shall select three options from the Nominated Players heading and put them in order of highest vote to lowest vote using the following template. The first name will receive three votes, the second will receive two votes and the third will receive one vote. Voting for your own teammates is not allowed, regardless of the award (this includes Best Caster).

Important formatting - you must copy-paste your vote EXACTLY, and separate votes using commas. Again we are using an automated script to process these votes, and incorrectly imputed votes may not be counted!

Your team name:
Your team division: High

Best Combo Scout: first-place vote, second-place vote, third-place vote
Best Flank Scout:
Best Pocket:
Best Roamer:
Best Demoman:
Best Medic:
Best Utility:
Friendliest Team:
Most Improved Player:
Most Improved Team:
Most Valuable Player:
Best Dressed Team:
Best Caster:

Your completed template should look like this (with the correct players on their classes, the same players have been used for each award in this example for simplicity) without the point allocations after each player name:

Your team name: Your Team Here
Your team division: Your Division Here

Best Scout: /dev/zero (3 points), wiggin (2 points), obla (1 point)
Best Scout: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Soldier: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Pyro: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Demoman: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Heavy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Engineer: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Medic: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Sniper: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Best Spy: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Player: /dev/zero, wiggin, obla
Most Improved Team: Jasmine Tea, Witness Gaming, soirée
Friendliest Team: Jasmine Tea, Witness Gaming, soirée
Best Caster: catfish, core, obla

Remember: Voting for your own teammates is not allowed.

Nominated Players

The following players and teams are nominated for awards:

Best Combo Scout: Mikcow, jdn, Solres, Miles, kopz, Miffy, Reign, altombo, jane doe, Laz

Best Flank Scout: inStinct, apples, underpressure, arnoo, wang, voxii, Wergy, sav, kory, fraggerung

Best Pocket Soldier: Emgee, hotsnack, Dokla, aly, APVC, Typo, kake, bob page, L0RD 8071CU5 0F 80T5W4N4

Best Roamer Soldier: Crypto, fungus, gnat, Varien, angus, jkc_S, Eunsoo, Tricka, a team of ants in their prime, sinsa

Best Demoman: Hawk, akari, Luckt, Ice, catfish, v4na, Goldenterrestrial, ZiLyfe, adam, VorteX

Best Medic: Cab, xanny, ShuZ, memeking of 1984, Emily the Goldfish, Mitchy90, Capy, GOLD, samson, 95

Best Utility: Mikcow, skyhigh, pav, arnoo, wang, Brady, Capy, altombo, cuin lumby, fraggerrung

Friendliest Team: Geezer Gamerz, bronsexuals, Fortified, Penny Trading Bapak Kau, OnlyGuys, Birnd Out, QQQ, altombo's kittens, cafe lobotomy, Horse Tranquilizer

Most Improved Player: Crypto, fungus, APVC, arnoo, Emily the Goldfish, voxii, Capy, GOLD, moomoo, fraggerung

Most Improved Team: Geezer Gamerz, bronsexuals, Fortified, Penny Trading Bapak Kau, OnlyGuys, Birnd Out, QQQ, altombo's kittens, cafe lobotomy, Horse Tranquilizer

Most Valuable Player: Mikcow, jdn, Solres, Miles, kopz, Miffy, Reign, altombo, jane doe, Laz, inStinct, apples, underpressure, arnoo, wang, voxii, Wergy, sav, kory, fraggerung, Emgee, hotsnack, Dokla, aly, Typo, kake, bob page, L0RD 8071CU5 0F 80T5W4N4, Crypto, fungus, APVC, gnat, Varien, angus, jkc_S, Eunsoo, Tricka, a team of ants in their prime, sinsa, Hawk, akari, Luckt, Ice, catfish, Goldenterrestrial, ZiLyfe, adam, Vort, Cab, xanny, ShuZ, memeking of 1984, Emily the Goldfish, Mitchy90, Capy, GOLD, samson, 95

Best Dressed Team: Geezer Gamerz, bronsexuals, Fortified, Penny Trading Bapak Kau, OnlyGuys, Birnd Out, QQQ, altombo's kittens, cafe lobotomy, Horse Tranquilizer

Best Caster: freaky, ghost, flaurosa, turris, tal, wils, Elmo

2. Submitting your votes

The votes must be sent through to the following administrator;

Votes need to be submitted to one of the admins listed above by the Tuesday the 31st of December at 11:59pm AEDT. Failing to do this will prevent your votes from being counted and will make your team in-eligible for in-game medals.


How is Voting calculated?

We will use instant runoff voting to calculate the results.

Will we receive in-game medals if we fail to submit our votes?

No, as we believe that every player should have the chance to be voted for.

How long will it take for Awards to be released?

The release of Awards often varies, but you can expect it usually within a week or two of Voting closing.

Thank you based Shigbeard for their work to improve our scripts used for voting this season!