ozfortress Sixes Season 16

Premier - Round #6

Home Team
Technical Difficulties
Away Team
Fozzlm Retired League Admin & Media Coordinator
thelampshade22 Captain Retired League Admin / Patron
Roro Captain
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
thelampshade22 Captain Retired League Admin / Patron superhoe(s)

thurs 9 was discussed but i cant remember the result

thelampshade22 Captain Retired League Admin / Patron superhoe(s)

9:43 PM - snazzy: id need like
9:43 PM - snazzy: 3
9:43 PM - snazzy: mercs
9:43 PM - snazzy: so
9:43 PM - snazzy: thursday any good?
9:43 PM - Roro: no
9:43 PM - snazzy: fri, sat, sun?
9:44 PM - snazzy: when works my dude
10:20 PM - Roro is now Offline.

just for posterity

wed doesnt work for us so idk what to do

Chili Sixes Head Admin

Extension granted till next week. Please try and organise the earliest possible time


was supposed to be last night, but sun/tues/wed are fine for next week

wtf is happening fairly certain Sunday is bad for us but actually want this done asap pls sort roro snaz thx

5:26 PM - Roro: is tues good for you?
5:27 PM - join the ozfortress icebreaker! is now Online.
5:27 PM - join the ozfortress icebreaker!: I'll attempt for Tuesday
5:28 PM - Roro: okay

thelampshade22 Captain Retired League Admin / Patron superhoe(s)

idk scores but it was fun

thelampshade22 Captain Retired League Admin / Patron superhoe(s)

jokes 1-6 1-6 id like to re exec please

^ ggs, i can find logs if admins want, but was 6-1 6-1 to us i think

thelampshade22 Captain Retired League Admin / Patron superhoe(s)

can confirm, forgot logs apologies, if needed msg me some admin