ozfortress Sixes Season 22

Open - Round #5

The Gullywash Goons
Home Team
Hide the pain harold
Away Team
flip Captain
<user> Patron
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Is sunday 8 aest allg?

Is it ok if we do Thursday 8pm coz our team is most comfortable with that

Thermite Retired League Admin

Please organize this ASAP.

confirmed for thursday 8 aest

Sorry, messed up on the gully scores, was actually 3-2 in favour of Hide the pain Harold

obla Retired League Director

Would be appreciated if you posted scores.

Gullywash: http://logs.tf/2053480 http://logs.tf/2053495 http://logs.tf/2053501
Prolands: http://logs.tf/2053468