ozfortress Sixes Season 21

Intermediate - Round #2

back 2 the bones
Home Team
team name
Away Team
chonk Captain
jane doe Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Are you guys cool with Monday?

uhh, dont think monday would work, can you guys do thursday?

obla Retired League Director

Please organise this. The organisation deadline is 7:00 PM Sunday.

Thursday 9pm?

yeah that should be fine, sorry for delays

seraph: Can we use a merc
seraph: signedunknown
ما يفعله الفم 👀: uh what class
seraph: scout
ما يفعله الفم 👀: sure

team name wins both maps
snake 4-0 http://logs.tf/1951429#
product 3-1 http://logs.tf/1951437


gg guys! thanks for the game. have a good night! :-)