ozfortress Sixes Season 20

Intermediate - Round #6

1300 6555 06
Home Team
Away Team
meow Captain
woof Captain
thelampshade22 Retired League Admin / Patron
mitch LAN Downunder & Summer Brawl Staff
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
obla Retired League Director

Friendly reminder that this is the last week for transfers for the season. Please submit all transfers by Thursday the 5th of October at 11:59 PM.

R u guys cool for Tuesday 8pm?

Answer ASAP

obla Retired League Director

Please organise this.

Wednesday 8pm would be good ?

confirmed tuesday 8 - can't message captain

Can we do Wednesday plz?

requesting roamer merc
need to know asap which one u can allow or if you will deny both

Reconfirmed for 8 PM tonight (not a captain but w/e).