ozfortress Sixes Season 16

Intermediate - Round #3

Pigeon Esports
Home Team
Away Team
Chili Sixes Head Admin
YAUCH Retired League Admin
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
YAUCH Retired League Admin Wombo_Combo

Is this match gonna be changed now that the standings have been corrected? If not when works for you guys I'd like to get on this

YAUCH Retired League Admin Wombo_Combo

we would like to play monday or thursday btw

obla Retired League Director

This will be the match. Please organise this.

YAUCH Retired League Admin Wombo_Combo

messaged a teammate of liams trying to organise this :]

messaged you on discord yauch, sorry

YAUCH Retired League Admin Wombo_Combo

please confirm for Thurs 8 or 9?? Ive spammed your teammates and discord dude

confirmed thursday 8

YAUCH Retired League Admin Wombo_Combo

yeah gg