ozfortress Winter League 2021

Division 3 - Semi Final

Terrible Tactics
Home Team
Avo's Cados
Away Team
Avo Captain Media Team
jono Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Sunday 9am?

come on mate it's fathers day

yea, my BM is giving me the day-off

also, we are unable to play Monday

Avo Captain Media Team Avo's Cados

does Sunday 8 or 9 work for you guys?

Match confirmed for 9pm tonight.

Avo's to merc Frydog - https://ozfortress.com/users/982 (class locked to medic)

Enjoy everyone! Looking forward to some fiery games :)

Avo Captain Media Team Avo's Cados

ggs and well played guys gl for the future

Sunshine: 1-2 Avo's https://logs.tf/3017293#76561198049556321
Clearcut: 3-1 TT https://logs.tf/3017311#76561198049556321
Process: 1-3 Avo's https://logs.tf/3017318#76561198049556321
Crazy intense games of tf2, loved it. Good luck for the big one :)