ozfortress Winter League 2021

Division 3 - Round #3

Terrible Tactics
Home Team
Away Team
pistol Captain
camm Captain
b1 Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (Match Comms)

when do you guys prefer to play?

Hey y'all :)

Wednesday or Thursday night?

Thursday is now preferable, 8-8:30?

I'll ask my team and let you guys know :)

Hi :) We can either do wednesday or thursday however both days we will need a merc or two

Awesome, let's lock in Thursday at 8? We can discuss mercs over discord :) Wrocki#8705

we can do tomorrow (wednesday) 9pm if you guys could, some players are unavailable thursday

Confirmed for 9 tonight.

Trap to merc:

Berto: https://ozfortress.com/users/986
(restricted to scout)

Lux: https://ozfortress.com/users/1883 (restricted to solider)

thanks for the game guys gg well played thanks for letting us merc berto and lux

Gullywash: 0-5 Trap https://logs.tf/3014828#76561198049556321
Snakewater: 0-5 Trap https://logs.tf/3014838#76561198049556321

Well played all around! Good luck for playoffs and cheers for the smooth negotiations around mercs <3

wp wp <3

catfish League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat

The results of this match have been overturned and a forfeit win has been awarded to Terrible Tactics after a player on Trapology was caught alting. All players involved will be punished accordingly. Let this serve as a reminder that playing on an account other than your own is not tolerated in ozfortress competitions and all players caught will face serious repercussions.

Post Guidelines

Please ensure your posts in Match Communications does not contain the following:

  • Anything unrelated to the match. This is an infractable offence.
  • Anything that violates our Community Guidelines.
Expected Match Details

Your Match Communications should (by the end of that round) contain:

  • The agreed upon, scheduled match day and time.
  • Indication as to which team won what map.
  • logs.tf links for each map, which you can find easily via your ozfortress.com profile.
  • Any mercenaries used within the match (it is expected that each team declares their approved mercenaries here).