ozfortress Summer Cup 2021

Division 2 - Grand Final

monorail, OR EUC, OR yuke
Home Team
Away Team
duck Captain
catfish Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat
Lizrd-Wizrd Captain
emgee Sixes League Admin
a team of ants in their prime Retired League Admin
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Our preferred day is Thursday 9pm

duck Today at 20:48
thurs 9 should work
WBlankyB Today at 20:53

duck Captain man

confirmed thursday 9 :slight_smile:

duck Captain man

Mercing fez demo

duckToday at 8:15 PM
yo so
dont think omni can make, is fez able to merc demo? restrcited to demo ofc
kinda just found out so trying to get last minute stuff together
WBlankyBToday at 8:16 PM
people seem fine with that
so allowed

cp_process_f7: 5-1 to monorail

cp_snakewater_final: 3-2 to man

cp_gullywash_f1: 1-0 to man

Good games. Congratulations!

duck Captain man

GGs boys close games