ozfortress Summer Cup 2021

Division 2 - Round 3: Match 1

monorail, OR EUC, OR yuke
Home Team
Away Team
duck Captain
catfish Retired League Director & Head of Anti-Cheat
Lizrd-Wizrd Captain
emgee Sixes League Admin
a team of ants in their prime Retired League Admin
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Our availability this week isn't great, with Sunday and Tuesday being preferred. If you can't do either of them I'll talk to the team.

duck Captain man

tuesday should work will confirm with team first

duck Captain man

tuesday 9 confirmed

duck at 10:23
tuesday 9 work?
WBlankyB at 10:24
should do, see you then

duck Captain man

MONORAIL have allowed 2345y to MERC on SOLDIER for US

cp_process_final: 5-1 to monorail
logs: https://logs.tf/2785105#76561198010801847

cp_snakewater_final1: 6-3 to monorail
logs: https://logs.tf/2785119#76561198010801847
