ozfortress Sixes Season 29

Open - Round #5

Team Weezer
Home Team
Away Team
burto Captain
Foosa Captain
wizward Captain
GalacticCore Captain
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Tuesday, Wednesday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

Wednesday at 9pm?

GalacticCoreToday at 19:40
Our team says we can 9pm Wednesday tmr
Sydney time
Burto16zzToday at 19:41

We let typo merc for product game http://logs.tf/2715897#76561198087746342, his name was "5" in this product log.

Yeah sorry everyone, Andre's ego got the better of him after Gullywash.
Had to merc typo! So sorry everyone, we are looking for a new combo scout if anyone knows one!