ozfortress Sixes Season 17

Intermediate - Round #3

social experiment.
Home Team
Waka Flocka Flame Fans
Away Team
Brady Media Team
core League Director
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)

When is best for you guys, we are looking for Thurs at 8 AEST

11:03 AM - Eternal: can we set a time for this comeing 6s official
1:13 PM - 🎃Spooky Liam🎃 #LF scrims: We probably can only do 13th soz cause all our core is available tgen
1:13 PM - 🎃Spooky Liam🎃 #LF scrims: Then*
1:13 PM - Eternal: yeah that should be good
1:14 PM - Eternal: 8pm DLST
1:14 PM - 🎃Spooky Liam🎃 #LF scrims: Yes

ye confirmed thursday 8, gonan talk about mercs tomoz

confirmed for boen mercing

Was suggested moving to 9 due to our scout not being available to play. Waiting on a reply.

match is at 9