ozfortress Sixes Season 28

High - Round #5

Saharan Spies™
Home Team
samsung tablet
Away Team
fez Captain Retired League Admin & Patron
jono Captain
emgee Captain Sixes League Admin
LiAm Captain
kl Captain
Sean Captain
jane doe Captain
bird 🐤 Retired Highlander Head Admin
strawbunny Captain
inStinct Sixes League Admin
Shared Availability
Schedule suggestions (based on both team's shared availability): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Match Communications (aka Match Comms)
fez Captain Retired League Admin & Patron Saharan Spies™

Thursday 9


fez Captain Retired League Admin & Patron Saharan Spies™

gully: http://logs.tf/2600677#76561198106504250
via: http://logs.tf/2600682#76561198106504250
ggs, good luck for the rest of the season!

knoxu was used as a merc on the side of samsung tablets